environment & waste
environment & waste
Information on Native Forest Harvesting, Regeneration and Plantation Development Notices in East Gippsland.

Native Forestry

Native forest harvesting and regeneration is generally supported in rural areas, where environmental risks can be minimised. As a general rule, if the Ecological Vegetation Class (or vegetation type) is currently available for harvesting within State Forest within the same bioregion, it should be available to harvest and regenerate on private land, subject to a planning permit.

All native forest harvesting and regeneration operations on private land must comply with the Code of Forest Practices for Timber Production, as well as Victoria’s native vegetation regulations.

A planning permit for native forest harvesting and regeneration may include conditions relating to exclusion areas (such as to protect significant plant or animal species), buffers and filters on drainage lines, waterways and wetlands, silvicultural practices, roading, access to the property and carting operations.

Proponents must submit a Timber Harvesting Plan in accordance with the requirements of the Code of Forest Practices for Timber Production with the planning permit application. Be aware that additional requirements may result from the planning permit process and this plan may require adjustment before works begin.

Before harvesting starts the proponent/forest owner/forest manager is required to establish the condition of any roads to be used for carting in consultation with the road manager. These roads must again be assessed when all carting is completed. It is the responsibility of the proponent/forest owner/forest manager to reinstate the road to at least the same condition it was in prior to the carting.

It is strongly recommended that proponents contact us to organise a preapplication meeting to discuss options and possible requirements. Refer to the general planning pages of this website for further information about planning permit applications, the planning process and how to obtain relevant forms.

Links to planning information.


Plantations are allowed as-of-right in rural areas on cleared land, provided that the total plantation area on contiguous land in the same ownership is under 100ha.

The plantation must not be within 100 metres of

  • A dwelling in separate ownership
  • Land zoned for residential, business or industrial use
  • Any land for which a current permit allows dwelling construction and must not be within 20 metres of a powerline.

All plantation operations must be in accordance with the Code of Forest Practices for Timber Production regardless of whether a planning permit is required or not. However, before you start any works on the land a Plantation Development Notice must be submitted to Council. This notice protects the plantation owner’s interests in the event that vegetation controls change.

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