Health and Beauty Premises
Health and Beauty Premises
Information regarding registrations and inspections for hairdressers, beauty salons, tattooists and ear piercing salons.

Businesses including hairdressing, beauty therapy, skin penetration (ear piercing), tattooing and colonic irrigation must be registered with us.

These businesses are required to register under the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 and our environmental health officers inspect your business routinely to ensure it operates in accordance with the Public Health and Wellbeing Regulations 2019.

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Registering a new business

Before opening a new health and beauty premises, you should discuss your proposal with one of our environmental health officers and arrange an onsite visit. You must then register before you start operating.

The Victorian Department of Health has developed the Health Guidelines for Personal Care and Body Art Industries.

These guidelines will assist those involved in the personal care and body art industry to comply with the Public Health and Wellbeing Regulations 2009 by providing information on infection control and precautions to protect clients and employees.

To register your business please complete a Registration of a Personal Care/Body Art Premises Application

If you're buying an existing health and beauty business, you must also transfer its registration into your name or your company's name. We recommend applying for an inspection and information on a registered premises.

To transfer the registration, you need to complete an Application to Transfer Health Premises.

To request an inspection and information on a registered premises, please complete your request here.

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