Councillor Expenses and Reimbursements
Councillor Expenses and Reimbursements
Quarterly report on expenses and reimbursement for Councillors

Every three months, we publish a report on Councillor expenses and reimbursements.

This is in line with the Councillor Support and Expenses Policy.

Quarter 1, 2024-25 * Note this report presents Councillor expenses up to the end of the Council term

Quarter 2, 2024-25


Quarter 1, 2023-24

Quarter 2, 2023-24

Quarter 3, 2023-24

Quarter 4, 2023-24


Quarter 1, 2022-23
Quarter 2, 2022-23

Quarter 3, 2022-23

Quarter 4, 2022-23


Quarter 1, 2021-22

Quarter 2, 2021-22

Quarter 3, 2021-22

Quarter 4, 2021-22

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