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Adjoining Property Owner Details for Fencing Purposes

Customer Service
Submit this form to obtain property ownership details of your adjoining neighbours for fencing purposes only.

Alter a Private Jetty - Crown Land Application

Marinas and Jetties
Apply for a permit to build or alter a jetty.

Amend a Planning Permit

Use this form to make an application to Amend a Planning Permit – either the conditions, land, endorsed plans, or what is allowed by the existing permit. s72 Planning and Environment Act 1987; r14 Planning and Environment Regulations 2015

Amend a Planning Permit Application

Use this form to make changes to a Planning Permit Application that has been submitted to Council, but no decision has been made. s50 & s57A Planning and Environment Act 1987; r13 Planning and Environment Regulations 2015

Animal Ownership Transfer

Use this form to transfer an animal registered with Council to another person. Changes can only be made with the signature of the previous owner or an attached statutory declaration.

Animal Registration Form

Complete this form if you have a new dog or cat, or it is new to East Gippsland Shire. All dogs and cats must have a microchip and must be registered at 3 months of age.

Animal Registration Tag Replacement

Use this form to replace a tag that has been lost or that has become unreadable due to wear and tear.

Aquatic Facility Permit Application

Please use this form to register a business with and aquatic facility

Assistance Dog Application Form

Use this form to register an Assistance Dog with the Council

Australia Day Nomination Form

Public Information
Australia Day Awards are presented annually to local citizens and community groups that have made an outstanding contribution or may have gone above and beyond in our community. Nominations for the awards close at 5.00 pm Sunday 6 December 2024 and announced at a formal event before 26th January 2025

Book Club Membership Form

Book clubs can borrow sets of selected titles and then join in discussion about the title. One single membership card is created for each book club.

Building Property Enquiry Application

Use this form to request Property Information Certificates on a property in East Gippsland Shire Council.

Bushfire Rebuild Support Service Referral

The Bushfire Rebuild Support Service provides specialised advice to help streamline any planning application requirements and your overall rebuild.

Bushfire Recovery Temporary Dwelling Removal - Notification

Complete this form to notify Council of the removal of a Temporary Dwelling in bushfire area

Busking Permit Application

Community Laws
A permit is required to busk, or perform street theatre or other forms of entertainment, in a public place in East Gippsland Shire.

Cancel Registration for Email

Submit this form to stop receiving your rate notice by email.

Cancellation of a Direct Debit for Rates

Submit this form to cancel an existing Rates Direct Debit.

Certificate of Installation of UMD/Rigid Annex Prefabricated Holiday Unit

Please use this form to request a Certificate of Installation of a UMD/Rigid Annex or Prefabricated Holiday Unit.

Commercial Tip Account

This form is for businesses wanting to open a credit account for tip fees with East Gippsland Shire Council.

Community Leave Early Form

Emergency Management
If you are leaving early in an emergency, or if you would like to register your whereabouts on any given day or time, please complete this form.

Community Site Booking Application

Customer Service
Apply to book the Nicholson Street Bairnsdale kiosk or stage area, or one of the raffle sites listed.

Conduct a Wedding Ceremony on Council Land Application

Community Laws
Apply to hold a wedding ceremony on public land in East Gippsland Shire Council.

Copies of Plans or Occupancy Permit

Request a copy of building plans or permits that have been issued for your property. If you do not own the property you will need to obtain written consent from the owner.

Copies of Septic Tank Plans or Permits Application

Copy of septic plans can only be given to the property owner, or a person having written permission from the owner. There is non refundable fee for the search.

Cunninghame Arm Footbridge Vehicle Access Agreement

Community Laws
Complete this form for vehicle access to Cunninghame Arm footbridge at Lakes Entrance.

Customer Contact Form

Customer Service
Complete this form to lodge any requests, issues, feedback or suggestions to East Gippsland Shire Council.

Debtor Email Update Form

Customer Service
Use this form if you are a debtor and are required to submit an updated email address for invoice and statement delivery

Direct Debit Request - Rates

Apply to set up a direct debit from your nominated bank account to pay your rates by 4 instalments or one full payment.

Display Goods on Footpath Application

Community Laws
This permit allows you to place or display any goods in a public place or on the footpath immediately outside a premises where you sell goods. This permit has a yearly fee.

Display Vehicles on Nature Strip Application

Community Laws
Apply for a permit to advertise a vehicle for sale that is parked on the nature strip in front of your property. Some rules apply.

East Gippsland Volunteer Honour Roll Registration Form

Public Information
Are you a volunteer? Or do you know someone who contributes to our community in a volunteering capacity? Register your details now to be formally recognised on the East Gippsland Honour Roll, to be updated annually during National Volunteer Week in May.

Erect or Alter a Private Jetty on Canals at Paynesville Application

Marinas and Jetties
Apply for a permit to build or alter a jetty in the Paynesville Canals.

Exceed Signed Bridge Limit at Mass Greater than that Signed

Drivers of vehicles carrying heavy loads must be aware that there are heavy load restrictions on some bridges when travelling in East Gippsland Shire.

Extension of time for Planning Permit

Use this form to ask for more time to act on a Planning Permit where it has or will soon expire as outlined in a Condition of the Permit. s69 Planning and Environment Act 1987

Farm Rate Application

If you own a farm and meet the guidelines, you can apply for a farm land rate which will reduce your rate charges.

Fire Plug Inspection and Fault Report

Fire Prevention
Complete this form to report fire hydrant issues to East Gippsland Shire Council.

Freedom of Information Request

Public Information
This form can be used to request access to documents held by East Gippsland Shire Council (Council) under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act).

Historic Rates / Valuation Information

Use this form to request a history of rate payments or valuations for your property. A fee applies.

Hoarding Permit Application

Community Laws
Use this form for a road or footpath closure whilst any building work or site work is being undertaken.

Immunisation History Application

Immunisation records history may be accessed by completing this form, or alternatively you can contact the Australian Immunisation Register or the medical clinic where received.

Incident Notification Report Form

Risk Management
If you would like to report an incident and you are not seeking compensation due to injury, loss or damage, please complete an Incident Notification Report Form

Infringement Nomination Form

Use this form to state if you were not in possession or control of a vehicle at the time of an offence set out on an infringement notice.

Initial Event Permit Advice

Apply for an Event Permit if your event will impact on the use of public land or normal public activities.

Inter Library Loan Request - Books

Use this form to borrow books outside of the East Gippsland Library system.

Inter Library Loan Request - Journal Articles

Use this form to borrow journal articles outside of the East Gippsland Library system.

Invitation Request for Mayor and Councillors

Complete this form if you would like to invite the Mayor and/or Councillors to your event.

Keep More than the Allowed Animals Application

There is a limit to how many animals can be kept on a property without a permit. Submit this form if you want to have more than the allowed amount of animals in accordance with Council's General Local Law.

Kerb Side Numbering Permit Application

Community Laws
Contractors can use this form to apply for a permit to paint kerb side street numbers.

Letter of Authorisation

Nominate an authority, or cancel an existing authorisation, to access rates information or update details.

Letter of Support - Request

Community groups and organisations applying for funding assistance through other agencies may require a Letter of Support from Council for their application. This form needs to be submitted 10 business days before the applications close.

Library Membership Form

Membership to East Gippsland Libraries is free and gives you access to all library resources, including physical and digital collections.

Library Membership for Organisations

An Organisation Membership allows you to create a membership card for your institution which allows members to borrow and access online resources.

Library Suggestion Form

Please use this form to make any suggestion relating to your library service, its programs, events or suggested items to be purchased for the collection.

Livestock Grazing Application

Apply for a permit to graze livestock on a road, or on East Gippsland Shire Council managed land.

Marina Access Request

Marinas and Jetties
Use this form if you are a contractor that needs to access to a jetty. Public liability insurance required and a fee applies.

Marina Registration

Marinas and Jetties
Apply or register your interest to become a berth holder at one of East Gippsland Council’s marinas or jetties.

Meeting Room Bookings Application

Customer Service
A meeting room can be booked at one of our Service Centres using this application. Hire fees or a bond may apply.

Memorandum of Consent for Major Traffic Control Items at Road Worksite Application

Common major traffic control items for worksites include speed restriction signs, stop and give way signs, traffic control signs and stop here on red signal signs.

Municipal Fire Prevention Brigade Maintenance Request

Fire Prevention
The Country Fire Authority (CFA) can use this form to request maintenance to roads, vegetation and signs etc. from East Gippsland Shire Council.

Name Change

Address and Name Change
Please attach supporting documents for any name change. These documents may include a Marriage Certificate, Birth Certificate, Deed Poll document or current Drivers Licence.

Neighbours' Response - Report and Consent Application

Use this form if a request is being made for a Report and Consent of the Municipal Building Surveyor to vary the default siting requirement at a neighbouring property.

Nomination Rejection Statement

Submit this form if you did not have possession or control of a motor vehicle or trailer at the time of offence.

Notification of a Food Premises

If your business sells food you must either register, or notify Council, advising where the premises is located.

Notification to Install UMD/Rigid Annex/Prefabricated Holiday Unit

The owner of a caravan park in which a UMD or rigid annex is to be installed must submit an Installation Advice Form to East Gippsland Shire Council.

Objection to a Planning Permit Application

Use this form to Object to a Planning Permit Application. s57 Planning and Environment Act 1987

Occupy a Temporary Dwelling Application

Community Laws
This permit allows the use of temporary on-site accommodation to assist home builders construct a dwelling on their property.

Occupy a Temporary Dwelling Application - Bushfire Recovery

Community Laws
This form is for the use of a Temporary Dwelling. It applies only for a property where a dwelling that was a primary place of residence was destroyed in the 2019/20 bushfires and the owner intends to rebuild a permanent dwelling.

Parking Exemption - Construction Works in CBD Application

Tradespeople can apply for a permit to use a parking bay or zoned area for extended periods in the CBD area.

Payment Plan of a Fine Application

Community Laws
Apply to set up a payment plan or direct debit to repay your fine in weekly, fortnightly or monthly instalments.

Payment of Rates and Charges

This form gives Council permission to send your rates bill to another person. This form must be signed by the owner.

Permit to Erect a Temporary Advertising Sign on Roadside Application

Community Laws
Apply to advertise on roadside signage boards installed at specific locations by Council to promote events and projects run by local Community organisations.

Permit to Install or Alter a Septic Tank System Application

A Council permit is required for any person wanting to install a new or alter any part of a septic tank or wastewater system.

Place of Public Entertainment Application

A Place of Public Entertainment permit is needed if a building or place is to be used for conducting public entertainment or a public meeting.

Planning Permit Application

Use this form to make a Planning Permit Application. s47 Planning and Environment Act 1987; r13 Planning and Environment Regulations 2015

Pool and Spa Registration Application Form 22

Use this form to register your pool or outdoor spa. All Victorian pool and outdoor spa owners must register their pools with Council.

Pool or Spa Certificate of Barrier Compliance Lodgement Form 23

Use this form to submit a Certificate of Compliance for your pool barrier from your Building Surveyor/Inspector

Pool or Spa Deregistration Form

To remove or deregister your pool or spa from the East Gippsland Shire Council register, please complete this form.

Postal Address and Contact Details Change

Address and Name Change
Use this form for any change to postal address or contact details.

Property Enquiry Application - Rates

Use this form to request a Land Information Certificate. This certificate provides information on the property to assist with the settlement process.

Public Land Manager Consent Request

This form is to be used to gain Land Manager consent before carrying out works on Council managed or owned land.

Public Question Time

Council Meetings
Community members wishing to ask a question at a Council Meeting must complete this form and adhere to the principles and requirements outlined in Council’s Mutual Respect Charter and Governance Rules.

Rates by Email Registration Form

Register to receive your rates notice by email (or update your email address for this service).

Raymond Island Ferry Fee Exempt Portable Pass - Not for Profit and Government Agency Application

Raymond Island Ferry
Submit this form for Raymond Island Ferry pass application

Raymond Island Ferry Pass Form

Raymond Island Ferry
Submit this form for a Raymond Island Ferry pass

Raymond Island Ferry Pass Payment Plan for cars & motorcycles

Raymond Island Ferry
Use this payment plan application to purchase by direct debit, an additional portable ferry pass for property owners or non owner ferry pass stickers.

Refund Request Form

Customer Service
Request a refund. Evidence of the transaction is required unless it is a result of the application of a pension rebate. Acceptable evidence of payment: Cash Receipt from Australia Post or Council, Bank Statement, Credit Card Statement.

Registration of Prescribed Accommodation Application

Use this form to register Accommodation Services in East Gippsland.

Registration of a Caravan Park Application

Submit this form to register a Caravan Park with the East Gippsland Shire Council.

Registration of a Domestic Animal Business Application

A Domestic Animal Business must meet any Building/Planning rules, and register their premises with Council before they can operate. Registration is renewed annually.

Registration of a Food Premises Application

Businesses wanting to sell food or drink in East Gippsland Shire Council must register before trading.

Registration of a Health Premises Application

Use this form for registering businesses that conduct activities in East Gippsland Shire Council such as hairdressing, beauty therapy, body piercing and tattooing.

Report a Fire Hazard

Fire Prevention
Long grass that exceeds 100mm in height may be deemed a fire hazard, and can be reported using this form. Council will notify the owners and begin working with them to rectify the issue.

Report an Issue

Customer Service
Report any issues or feedback to Council using this form. If you would like to report an incident due to injury, loss or damage please don't use this form, please refer to our Incident Notification Report Form

Report and Consent Application

If your building project does not meet a requirement of the Building Regulations 2018, you must obtain Council's report and consent before a building permit can be issued.

Report and Consent on Proposed Demolition

Consent may be required from the East Gippsland Shire Council before a permit for demolition is issued.

Request for Inspection and Information on a Registered Premises

If you are buying a food business, you can request a Council inspection prior to settlement to ensure the premises complies with the requirements of the Food Act 1984.

Request for Review of Rate Classification

Use this form to have the rate classification reviewed for your property.

Request for written planning advice

Use this form to request specific written advice as to whether a planning permit is required or not for a proposed use or development.

Request to End or Amend a S173 Agreement

Use this form to seek Council’s consent to end or amend a s173 Legal Agreement registered on title. s178A Planning and Environment Act 1987; r55 Planning and Environment Regulations 2015

Request to Speak

Council Meetings
Community members wishing to speak on item/s listed on the agenda for a current Council Meeting or any other matter must complete this form and adhere to the principles and requirements outlined in Council’s Mutual Respect Charter and Governance Rules.
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