Age-Friendly Communities Strategy
Age-Friendly Communities Strategy
By 2026 almost 1 in 4 Australians will be aged 60 or over. This demographic shift will have implications for health, aged and income support services.

It is important to design ‘age-friendly’ communities that value the contribution of older people and ensure their access to community life.

The World Health Organization has developed an age-friendly world model.

Council has signed the Victorian Government and Municipal Association of Victoria Age-friendly Victoria Declaration.

We are supporting our Age-friendly Declaration by:

  • Leading a Victorian Government funded project for developing East Gippsland as an age-friendly community, through planning and community engagement;
  • Investing in infrastructure upgrades that support the economic and social benefits of towns adopting an age-friendly approach to future growth; and
  • Developing an age-friendly network that supports, promotes and celebrates ageing as a positive outcome of our wellbeing and as a catalyst for inter-generational engagement and respect.

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