Bushfire Recovery Plans and Reports
Bushfire Recovery Plans and Reports
Bushfire Recovery planning and initiatives
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East Gippsland Bushfires 2019/20 Bushfire Progress Reports

Progress Reports

Council has released four Progress Reports detailing the full impact of the 2019/20 bushfires and works around the recovery efforts and recovery coordination.

First Progress Report - September 2020

Second Progress Report - May 2021

Third Progress Report - October 2022

Fourth Progress Report - January 2024

East Gippsland Fires 2019/20 Recovery Plan

This plan is a working document, outlining recovery plans, goals, and priorities for the whole of East Gippsland, and each of the directly fire-impacted communities. As new issues or recovery priorities are identified, through channels such as direct community feedback or community recovery committees, these can then be considered in preparing the next version of the Recovery Plan.

East Gippsland Recovery Plan Version 1

East Gippsland Fires 2019/20 Recovery Sub-Plans

The East Gippsland Recovery Plan 19-20 also has 5 sub-plans: built environment, economic, social, culture and healing, and natural environments.

Culture and Healing Recovery Sub-plan

Built Recovery Sub-plan

Natural Recovery Sub-plan

Social Recovery Sub-plan

Economic Recovery Sub-plan

Summary of Impacts

The Chair of the East Gippsland Recovery Committee has prepared a Summary of Impacts of the East Gippsland Bushfires of 2019-20.

Summary of Impacts

Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements

In February of 2020, after the devastation of the 2019-20 bushfires across Australia, a Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements was established.

The Commission was designed to examine preparedness, coordination, response to and recovery from natural disasters, and to improve adaptation to climactic changes, improve resilience, and lessen the impact of natural disasters.

Council participated in providing evidence and appeared at the hearing from an East Gippsland Shire Council perspective.

The Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements delivered its final report to the Governor General on 28 October 2020 with 80 recommendations.

Council continues to review the report and its recommendations and will consider the implications to Council. Council recognises the serious nature of these recommendations and will work with external partners and stakeholders to ensure urgent action where possible, and to plan for better processes and procedures in the future.

To learn more about the Commission or view the report, visit the Commission's website.

Inspector General of Emergency Management (IGEM) Fire Season Inquiry

The Inspector of General of Emergency Management (IGEM) has completed Phase 1 of its inquiry into Victoria’s preparedness for the fire season, response to fires in large parts of Victoria's North East, Gippsland, and Alpine regions, and review relief and recovery efforts. The Phase 1 report has now been released.

The inquiry has two phases; Phase 1 focuses on preparedness and response to the fire event, and Phase 2 will focus on relief and recovery.

Council was invited to make a submission to the inquiry, detailing our preparedness and response efforts for Phase 1.

The Phase 1 report was tabled by Parliament on 18 September 2020, and on 14th October 2020 the Victorian Government responded, accepting all 17 recommendations as advised in the report.

Council is reviewing these recommendations and working to ensure the implications to Council are being considered and implemented where appropriate.

To learn more about the inquiry or to view the Phase 1 report, visit the IGEM Fire Season Inquiry website.

Inspector General of Emergency Management (IGEM) Fire Season Inquiry

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