Register of Conflict of Interest Disclosures
Register of Conflict of Interest Disclosures
Councillors are required under section 130 of the Local Government Act 2020 to disclose conflicts of interests with respect of a matter to be considered at a Council meeting. Councillors are to exclude themselves from the decision making process (discussions and voting) in relation to that matter.


The Local Government Act 2020 in sections 127 and 128 identifies two categories of conflicts of interest:

  • General conflict — A relevant person has a general conflict of interest in a matter if an impartial, fair minded person would consider that the person’s private interest could result in them acting in a manner contrary to their public duty.
  • Material conflict — A relevant person has a material conflict of interest in respect of a matter if an affected person would gain a benefit or suffer a loss depending on the outcome of the matter.

The East Gippsland Shire Council Governance Rules (Rule 18) requires the Council to maintain a conflict of interest register and make it available on the Council’s website.

Conflict of Interest disclosures Register

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