environment & waste
Climate Change
environment & waste
Climate Change
Find out about local climate change predictions and what Council is doing.

Individuals, businesses and government must work together to meet the challenges of climate change.  The best place to start is in your own street, in your own community.

The Council Plan recognises that East Gippsland Shire is vulnerable to coastal hazards, inundation, fire and extreme natural events and climate change has potential to increase our vulnerability. Work is continuing to understand the nature and extent of future impacts on communities. Council is committed to assisting communities to adapt to future conditions in a planned way.

We have undertaken Victorian Adaptation and Sustainability Partnership projects by partnering with the state government to increase resilience and reduce risk from climate change.

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Predictions and risks

The latest Victorian Climate Projections 2019 by CSIRO and DELWP were released in October 2019.  The data covers Victoria at a 5km by 5km scale, and includes a range of variables such as average and extreme temperature and rainfall, relative humidity, evaporation and fire weather out to 2090 for moderate and high greenhouse gas emissions scenarios.

Gippsland faces a number of varying climate risks including:

  • More frequent and intense heavy rainfalls causing flooding
  • Harsher bushfires
  • More days of extreme heat
  • Sea level rise combined with storm surges, causing flooding and other impacts
  • More storms including hailstorms (source: Adapting to climate change impacts)

Victoria's Climate Change Strategy 2021

The Victorian Climate Change Strategy is a roadmap for the state to reach net-zero emissions and be climate resilient by 2050. It can be found at the Victorian Climate Change website

Community carbon emissions

For the first time there is a community emissions profile for East Gippsland.

The Snapshot community climate tool developed by Beyond Zero Emissions and Ironbark Sustainability is the first national tool with data at the municipality level. All local profiles together add up to the national emissions total, meaning that no emissions go unaccounted for.  While East Gippsland Shire Council undertakes corporate emissions monitoring from their own operations, the Snapshot website outlines emissions from the whole community.  Here is emissions profile for East Gippsland.

Gippsland Alliance for Climate Action

Gippsland Alliance for Climate Action (GACA) was established to work with councils across Gippsland to support regional climate action.

GACA works with member councils to undertake climate mitigation and adaptation projects that are best coordinated on a regional scale, and provides a platform for communication and collaboration between Gippsland councils. More information is on their website.

Bright Futures East Gippsland

We have undertaken a $3.12 million energy efficiency project which has cut electricity costs and reduced carbon emissions.

The Bright Futures program has saved over $1 million over the past 6 years in energy and maintenance costs, and over 6,600 tonnes of CO2.

Latest technologies are being installed to help create a Bright Future in the region, with electrical infrastructure upgraded to make it more efficient and cost effective. Watch the Lakes Entrance Aquadome summary video. Stage two of Bright Futures investigated how Council could support renewable energy uptake in the community and has more information on a dedicated Your Say Bright Futures Renewable Energy page.

Council’s carbon footprint has been reduced by over 1,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent per year while utility costs have been greatly reduced. Projects funded by the CEEP grant include:

  • Installation of energy efficient street lights – 2,629 street lights in residential areas (spanning over 1,360 km of roads) which used 80 watt globes have been swapped to 18 watt LED's.
  • The Bairnsdale Aquatic and Recreation Centre and Lakes Entrance Aquadome have been big consumers of energy (gas and electricity) but this changed with the installation of a mix of heat recovery equipment, pool blankets, cogeneration, energy-smart lighting and more.
  • Corporate Centre energy costs have been reduced in the main council office building in Bairnsdale when energy efficient heating and cooling were installed and internal lighting was upgraded to latest LED technology, and a 26kW solar system  has been installed saving $3,000 in electricity costs each year.

Funding was from the Australian Government as part of the Community Energy Efficiency Program.

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