Understanding Rates
Understanding Rates
Find out how your rates are calculated, how rate capping works and the rating structure for this financial year.


For information on understanding your rates and valuation notice, you can read our 'Your 2024/25 Rates Explained' brochure.

Rates are based on the capital improved value (CIV) of each property multiplied by the rate in the dollar.

The CIV is the total market value of the land, plus buildings and other improvements.

Council sets the rate in the dollar each year. This helps Council work out what your rates will be.

Rates cover the financial year from 1 July to 30 June and are generally issued by mid-August.  GST is not applied to rates.

CIV x rate in the dollar = rates

Council uses a differential rating system. This means there is a different rate in the dollar for different property types or categories.

For more information on Council's differential rate definitions, please refer to pages 39-43 of the 2024-25 Budget of the 2024-25 Budget.

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2024-25 Rates and other charges

The Capital Improved Value shown on your rates and valuation notice is the total market value of the land, plus buildings and other improvements.

Capital Improved Value (CIV) x rate in the dollar = rates

General Rate

0.00265466 rate in the dollar

Commercial/Industrial Rate

0.00358379 rate in the dollar

Farm Rate

0.00199100 rate in the dollar

Farm Rate guidelines and application: Classification as Farm Rate Application.

You may be eligible for a Single Farm Enterprise exemptions. See our Single Farm Enterprise Application.

Other charges

These other charges may also apply to your property

$252 - Municipal charge. For more details see explanation below.

$51 - Waste Levy (see below for an explanation of the levy)

$464 - 3 bin waste service - general waste, green waste, recycling

$406 - 2 bin waste service - general waste and recycling

$274 - Rural waste charge

Additional bin services:
$245 - Household waste (red lid)

$183 - Green waste (green lid)

$183 - Recycling

Choose how you receive your rate notice

We send your rate notice to the mailing address you have given us.

If you prefer, you can get your rate notice by email or through online banking.

Rate notices by email

You can now register to receive your rate notice by email. You will need a copy of your recent notice to locate:

1.     Your Council Assessment Number

2.     Name Details as shown exactly on this notice.

Register here and follow the prompts.

Your next rate notice will be automatically sent to your email address.

Rate notices in BPAY View

You can get your rates notice through your internet banking using BPAY View.

BPAY View lets you securely receive, pay and store your rates notices online.

Register for BPAY View:
  1. Log into your internet banking account.
  2. Look for the BPAY View or View Bills section.
  3. Register to receive your council rates notice by entering Biller Code 125864
  4. Enter your BPAY View registration number: (use your BPAY REF No. from the bottom of your rates notice)
  5. Enter your last name: your surname exactly as it is shown on your rates notice.

Your next rate notice will be sent to your internet banking account.


To see if you are eligible for a Municipal Rates Concession, visit the Department of Human Services' rates concession page.

To receive a concession, your card address must be the same as the address of the property that you are claiming the concession on.

Health care card holders do not get a discount on their rates.

Eligible pensioners can receive the below concessions for their principal place of residence (including farms):

  • Council: $64.19
  • Victorian Government: up to $259.50
  • Fire Services Property Levy: $50

You must currently hold one of these cards:

  • Pensioner Concession Card
  • Department of Veterans’ Affairs Gold Card showing War Widow or TPI

Contact us for an application form.

Holders of Veterans’ Affairs Gold Cards for EDA and POW

The legislation relating to the Municipal Rates Concession does not allow councils to give concessions to holders of these cards.

The Victorian Government provides this concession directly to these cardholders, see the Department of Human Services rates concession page for details.

Levies - Waste Levy, Fire Services Property Levy

What is the Waste Levy Charge on my rates notice?

Summary of Waste Levy and Charges for 2024/25:

Waste disposal fees across Waste Transfer Stations increased in most instances by approximately 3.5% except for the Green Waste fee which will remain at $12/cubic metre. Other disposal fees have also remained unchanged due to rounding to the nearest $.

Household Kerbside Waste and Recycling service charges increased by the rate cap of 2.75%. This is an increase of approximately $12.40 for a standard 3 bin collection service (general waste, recycling and green waste) OR total increase from $451 to around $463 per household.

The Waste Levy will remain at $51 (no change from last year). The Waste Levy is charged across all rateable properties which receive a municipal charge. This means that costs associated with the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) landfill levy charges are other shared waste services are spread across ratepayers.

Farming properties that are part of a Single Farming Enterprise and are exempt from the Municipal Charge will also be exempt from the waste levy.

EPA Landfill Levy Cost Per Tonne of Waste disposed to landfill

Waste Category                 Domestic              Commercial & Industrial

2021-22                               $52.95                   $93.19

2022-23                               $62.95                  $110.79

2023-24                               $64.55                  $113.69

2024-25                               $66.30                  $116.76

Fire Services Property Levy

Key details about the Fire Services Property Levy:

  • The levy was a key recommendation of the 2009 Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission.
  • Councils, rather than insurance agencies, now collect the levy to ensure all property owners contribute to fire services.
  • It applies to all properties in Victoria.
  • The rate of the levy is set by the Victorian Government.
  • All levy funds are forwarded to the Victorian Government.
  • Council does not keep any of the levy

See the Fire Levy website for more information.

Municipal Charge explained

The Municipal Charge is not a waste collection charge

The Municipal Charge was introduced at the same time minimum rates were abolished to ensure all ratepayers contributed an equal amount to Council rates.

The remainder of rates attributed to a property is based on the property's valuation.

The implementation of a Municipal Charge reduces the amount that needs to be collected in the form of rates attached to the value of a property.

The total amount including the Municipal Charge is used to contribute to Council's operating costs.

Since 1993/94, the Local Government Act has permitted Council to levy a Municipal Charge on rateable properties.

As stated the Municipal Charge was introduced at the same time as the legislation requiring the abolition of Council minimum rates. The intention of the legislation was to confirm Council rates as a land valuation-based tax and to ensure rates levied reflect the different valuations of ratepayer properties in all instances.  

All properties now have two components in the calculation of the rates. A flat charge component (Municipal Charge), together with a calculated amount (Rate in the Dollar calculation) being determined by the valuation of the property.

The Municipal Charge is the charged at same amount for all properties. The charge being equal for all properties means everyone shares some of the Council operating costs on an equal basis while the valuation component means the ratepayer is paying a component of rates proportionate to the value of the property, ie the higher the value, the higher the rate.

Some farm properties are exempt from the charge if they form part of a single farm enterprise. The use of a Municipal Charge reduces the amount that needs to be completed in the form of rates attached to the value of a property.  

No more than 20% of the total rate income can be generated through the Municipal Charge. East Gippsland Shire Council currently generates approximately 14% of revenue from this charge.  

Recent Municipal Charge amounts:  

2024/25 Municipal Charge $252.00

2023/24 Municipal Charge $245.30

2022/23 Municipal Charge $237.00

2021/22 Municipal Charge $233.00

2020/21 Municipal Charge $230.00

2019/20 Municipal Charge $230.00

2018/19 Municipal Charge $289.71

2017/18 Municipal Charge $283.34

2016/17 Municipal Charge $277.78

2015/16 Municipal Charge $271.00

2014/15 Municipal Charge $260.00

Victorian Government 'Fair Go' Rate Cap

The rate cap applies to council’s total rate and municipal charge revenue, not individual rate assessments.

If your rates increase by more than the advertised rate increase this is likely due to:

  • Your property value has gone up or down more or less than the average change in valuations for the same type of properties.
  • Other charges and levies not subject to the cap, such as waste charges, may have gone up more than the average rates increase. The cap only applies to general rates and the municipal charge.
  • The amount of rates levied from properties of that type (residential, commercial/industrial or farm) has changed through the Council’s application of differential rates.

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