building & development
Applying for a Planning Permit
building & development
Applying for a Planning Permit
Information on how to apply for a Planning Permit in East Gippsland Shire.

Getting Started

To start out with a planning proposal, you need to consider:

What do I want to do? Launch a new business? Build a house? Subdivide property?

Where will I do it? Where is the property located? What restrictions might apply? Is this the right proposal for the area? (‘Amenity’ is the term used in planning to consider if the proposal is in the right location)

What are the environmental constraints of the land? Is there a bushfire orflood risk? Is there Aboriginal or other Heritage value to the place? Is there significant vegetation or slope to consider?

What does the planning scheme say about the land? Obtain a Property Planning Report from


Many properties in East Gippsland Shire are subject to Overlays. These overlays can include matters such as heritage, design, bushfire, inundation (flooding), erosion, environmental significance, vegetation protection, amongst others.


An application may have to address the specific requirements of the relevant overlay(s) affecting the property. Additionally, there are ‘particular provisions’ in the East Gippsland Planning Scheme which relate to other reasons a permit is/is not required, or performance requirements and standards (how a use is to be conducted, for example).


View the East Gippsland Planning Scheme for further information.

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Seek Advice

When you have drafted a proposal, found out what Zones and Overlays and other provisions apply to your land and proposal, and need advice, you can arrange a pre-application meeting to discuss your proposal with a planning officer, or seek representation from a town planningconsultant.


If you have any queries regarding whatneeds to be provided or wish to book a pre application meeting, please contact Council’s Statutory Planning team by email on, by phone 03 5153 9500 or visit a Council Customer Service Centre during the normalbusiness hours.


Council’s Planning Officers do not designthe application or predict a decision, but they can give advice and guidance onthe process. Our planners can tell you if you need a planning permit and if so,let you know what your application needs to include.


You can seek professional advice or prepare the application yourself using our application checklists as a guide. Council Officers cannot provide recommendations for independent planning advice. It is best to conduct an online or directory search for “town planning consultant”, “land surveyor”, “architect”, or “building designer” to assist.

There are local professionals that can assist, but you can get assistance from a professional based elsewhere in the State or across Australia, if they are comfortable withthe Victorian Planning System.

Minimum information required to accompany an Application for a Planning Permit

In order to improve the processing of planning permit applications at the East Gippsland Shire Council, the following list contains the minimum information which must be submitted with any Planning Permit application.


If your application is not complete, a further information letter will be sent identifying information required to be provided.


For all planning applications, the following MUST be provided:

A completed and signed Application for a Planning Permit form.

A current and full copy of title (including title plan) and detailsof any Restrictive Covenants or other restrictions on the title. This title must have been searched within the 30 days leading up to the application being submitted. You can obtain a copy of title by searching online at LANDATA or phone (03) 9194 0605.

A covering letter/submission detailing what is proposed, the matters for which a planning permit is required (Refer to our guidance document), and responding to the relevant provisions of the East Gippsland Planning Scheme.

Any plans or other supporting documents related to the proposal andthe relevant application requirements specified in the Planning Scheme.

The application fee (payable on receipt of invoice from the Planning Department).


Fees for applications

Council applies the statutory fees set out in the Planning and Environment (Fees) Regulations 2016. The fees are tied to the Monetary Units Act 2004. Council uses the declared matters for which a permit is required and estimated development cost provided by the applicant to set the appropriate fee. The State Government maintains the Fee advice at the Planning and Subdivision Fees website.


At lodgment, the application is reviewed bysenior officers and an invoice is generated and sent for payment to the nominated person. Although the Planning and Environment Act states thata fee is required before an application can be processed, lodgment and other initial tasks will be undertaken before the fee is paid. Determination of the application will not occur until the fee is paid.


Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Sensitivity

Please provide a copy of the aboriginal cultural heritage self-assessment if the property has cultural heritage sensitivity. If relying on an exemption, provide a declaration about the exemption in your written response. If a Cultural Heritage Management Plan (CHMP) is required, then before Council can determine the application, evidence of the CHMP being approved must be submitted.


Requirements for Plans

Site layout, floor, and elevation plans (as appropriate) must be provided. For subdivisions, a proposed plan of subdivision must be provided.


Plans should be drawn and submitted electronically at a preferred scale of 1:100 or 1:200. For large sites, scale of 1:500 should be used for site detail plans (the area of the land being used or developed) and up to 1:2000 for whole of site plans.

The plans must include, as appropriate:

North point, scale (written or drawn), and legend for any symbols used;

The boundaries and dimensions of the site including shape, size, orientation, and easements;

Adjoining roads;

Levels of the site and the difference in levels between the site andsurrounding properties (a feature survey is recommended for new development);

Location of existing buildings on the site and on immediatelyadjacent properties within 100m of new buildings and works (additional details may be required if a neighbourhood character assessment is required, or for rural uses with adverse amenity potential);

The use of surrounding buildings;

Demolition required to existing buildings;

Existing vegetation in proximity to the proposal, including anyvegetation to be retained in proximity to new buildings and works (driveways),and all vegetation to be removed, whether a permit is required for such removal or not;

The proposed site layout, including proposed buildings and works, access/driveway including to the road, retaining walls, cut and fill, and the relevant setbacks to boundaries or other existing features on site (existing buildings);

On-site waste water disposal areas;

Elevation plans (if appropriate) to include materials and colours of proposed works, including roofing.


The quality and content of the information submitted will be assessed as part of the consideration of the application. If printing plans to submit in hard copy, they should be prepared and submitted at A3 page size, noting they will be scanned for review and assessment, and may lose quality in the scanning process that could delay assessment.


Where buildings and works are proposed onland that is not connected to a sewer system, a Land Capability Assessment must be provided, unless advice is obtained from Council’s Environmental Health officers that one is not required due to the site conditions (including soil profile, land size, etc.


Further information may be required to be submitted to Council for particular land use and development proposals and you should refer to the relevant information sheets (under review as at November 2024) for more details.


Note: Planning approval is often only one approval required from Council. Other approvals that may be required are:


-       Building Permit (Please note you will need to apply to a Private Building Surveyor not Council)

-       Works Within Road Reserve Permit (undertaking works within a Council road reserve i.e. vehicle crossover, service connection)

-       Septic Tank Permit

Other supporting documentation

Where buildings and works are proposed onland that is not connected to a sewer system, a Land Capability Assessment must be provided, unless advice is obtained from Council’s Environmental Health officers that one is not required due to the site conditions (including soil profile, land size, etc.


Further information may be required to besubmitted to Council for particular land use and development proposals and you should refer to the relevant information sheets (under review as at November 2024) for more details.


Note: Planning approval is often only one approval required from Council. Other approvals that may be required are:


-       Building Permit (Please note you will need to apply to a Private Building Surveyor not Council), or

-       Works Within Road Reserve Permit (undertaking works within a Council road reserve i.e. vehicle crossover, service connection), or

-       Septic Tank Permit.

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