Community Recovery
Community Recovery
Information on community led recovery, Place Managers and District Recovery Updates

Community-centred recovery is a disaster recovery approach that gives communities greater opportunity to be involved in decisions and processes that contribute to reshaping and rebuilding their lives in ways that work for them.

A community-centred approach involves engaging deeply and respectfully with communities so that they can help build back stronger and more resilient.

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Community Recovery Committees (CRCs)

Community Recovery Committees (CRCs) are the local representative groups who work to keep local voices, know-how and expertise front and centre during recovery planning and delivery. What a CRC is called and how it is established differs from district to district.

CRCs can be at different stages of recovery.

Following the 2019-20 bushfires, 10 committees across East Gippsland were set-up to identify, initiate and support community-centred recovery.

Bruthen Community Recovery Committee

Following the 2019-20 bushfires, the Bruthen District Community Association recognised it was well placed to incorporate the Bruthen CRC and subsumed the group into the general committee. Bruthen District incorporates the towns and districts of Bruthen, Wiseleigh, Mossiface, Fairy Dell and Double Bridges.

Bruthen CRC website

Buchan, Gelantipy and Districts Renewal Association

The Buchan, Gelantipy and Districts Renewal Association was established in direct response to the 2019-20 bushfires. The purpose of the association is to provide for and advocate on behalf of the needs of the community, identify and address any shortfalls arising from the bushfire event, endeavour to increase economic activity within the community.

Buchan, Gelantipy and Districts Renewal Association website

Buchan, Gelantipy and Districts Renewal Association Facebook


Clifton Creek Community Recovery Team

The Clifton Creek Community Recovery Team was established with representatives of the five different associations in Clifton Creek and interested community members.

Clifton Creek Community Recovery Team Facebook


Cann Valley District Representative Group

The community committee was created during Cann River’s community planning workshops and included bushfire recovery following the 2019-20 bushfires.

The District Community Plan from 2019 formed the basis for their recovery planning, including the recovery priorities identified through consultation with their communities.

The Cann Valley District Representative Group (CVDRG) meet regularly to hear community needs and voice those needs to appropriate agency channels.

Cann Valley District Representative Group website

Cann Valley District Representative Group Facebook


Errinundra to Snowy Community Recovery Committee

The Errinundra to Snowy CRC is an offshoot of the District Representative Group which formed in 2019 to work on the Errinundra to Snowy District Community Plan.

The Community Representative Committee represents the district's varied communities. All committee members committed to the betterment and sustainability of the area.


Mallacoota and District Recovery Association

The Mallacoota and District Recovery Association (MADRA) was initially a “thinking group” formed in the immediate aftermath of the fires. MADRA was soon developed, tasked with ensuring a community-led recovery process is being undertaken in Mallacoota and surrounding towns.

Mallacoota and District Recovery Association website

Mallacoota and District Recovery Association Facebook


Omeo Region Community Recovery Association

The Omeo Region Community Recovery Association (ORCRA) voiced the needs of the Omeo Region's communities for a sustainable recovery.

ORCRA closed 31 October 2024.  A new group formed with a revised focus on bushfire recovery, community resilience and disaster preparedness, drawing upon ORCRA’s recovery priorities and regional focus.

Orbost District Community Recovery and Transition Committee

The Orbost District Community Recovery and Transition Committee was formed through a community expression of interest process following the 2019-20 bushfires. Members are from many parts of the district. The committee works to understand and respond to the recovery needs of the Orbost district communities.

Orbost District Community Recovery and Transition Committee Facebook


Sarsfield Community Association

The Sarsfield Community Association was established in November 2020, to act as the Community Recovery Committee. Since then, the association has continued to advocate for and deliver upon its recovery priorities.

Sarsfield Community Association website



Wairewa Community Recovery Committee

The Wairewa Community Recovery Committee is a representative group of and for their community. They have been planning and implementing recovery projects not only to re-establish the community but also to build resilience.


Community recovery resources

Reflections and Lessons Learned by the Community Recovery Committees (CRCs) of the 2019-20 East Gippsland Bushfires.

The Reflections and Lessons Learned by the CRCs report captures the experiences of the CRCs from the 2019-2020 black summer bushfires and what they thought worked well, opportunities for improvement, and what to pass on to help communities in future events.

Reflections and Lessons Learned - Executive Summary

Reflections and Lessons Learned - Report

Reflections and Lessons Learned - video

Community Recovery Toolbox

East Gippsland Shire Council’s Community Recovery Toolbox provides useful information to support communities across East Gippsland. It will help local groups establish and build recovery processes before and after an emergency.

Community Recovery Toolbox

Rising Strong: East Gippsland’s Path to Community Resilience

The Rising Strong forum, in Lakes Entrance March 2024, brought together a diverse range of community members to share their experience and journey across bushfire recovery and resilience.

Rising Strong Forum videos

Rising Strong: East Gippsland's Path to Community Resilience Forum Evaluation

Emergency Recovery Victoria Strategy for Aboriginal Community-led Recovery

The Aboriginal Community-led Recovery outlines the key areas of focus for the Victorian Government as system steward in planning, coordinating and supporting emergency recovery with strong and resilient Victorian Aboriginal communities.

Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience

The Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience (AIDR) develops, maintains and shares knowledge and learning to support a disaster resilient Australia.

Dr Rob Gordon Visits East Gippsland August 2023

Dr Robert Gordon is a clinical psychologist who has dedicated his career to helping traumatised communities recover after disaster.

Impacts of creative recovery

Research into the positive impacts of creative recovery projects

Bushfire Recovery, East Gippsland Shire Council, Episodes 1 - 10

Bushfire Recovery - YouTube

Rebuilding support

We offer a dedicated Bushfire Rebuilding Support Service to help with your rebuild, for information please visit our Bushfire Rebuilding page under Planning Permits.

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