Dogs in Public Places
Dogs in Public Places
Dogs in public places: On or off leash - that depends when and where you are!

There are almost 40 Council-owned or managed parks and reserves where you can take your dog/s to have some off-leash play time. We’ve even got some fully fenced options in the shire for those who may not feel as confident getting their dog to recall in a public place.

Some basic rules of respect using shared use open spaces still apply.   

Animals on beaches and foreshores

Animals, including dogs and horses, must not swim in beach areas or stay in foreshore reserves between 1 November and 30 April in each year. They can pass through, but not stay in these areas identified as popular areas throughout the summer period. Refer to General Local Law 2017.

The areas that this applies too can be found under Schedule 6 of the General Local Law 2017 and is aligned to the new Order No 2 recently adopted by Council.

Check out the fact sheet for Dog Leash Rules for Beaches and Foreshores showing maps of these areas below.

Download our FAQ Dogs in Public Places - Foreshore and Beaches

Download our FAQ Dogs in Public Places - Parks and Reserves

Fully fenced dog off-leash areas

Council facilities:

  • Bairnsdale - part of the Bosworth Road former landfill site, which has been redeveloped and was officially opened on 3 December 2019; and
  • Lakes Entrance - in Palmers Road (next door to the Aquadome).

Private facility:

  • Brackenbush Unleashed - 117 Hoggs Lane, Lakes Entrance (a Pick My Project-funded community facility)
Lakes Entrance dog park on Palmers Road
There are currently no plans to display.
Please check back soon.

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