During National Volunteer Week and via our Honour Roll we recognise the significant contributions that volunteers make to our region. We also offer volunteering opportunities at our Visitor Information Centres.

National Volunteer Week is held annually and is an opportunity to recognise the huge contribution volunteers make to our community, and to say thank you. Volunteering brings people together, builds communities and creates a better society for everyone.

National Volunteer Week will be celebrated from May 20-26 across East Gippsland, recognising the important role volunteers play in the community. In 2024, National Volunteer Week invites everyone to discover the power of volunteering with the theme ‘Something for Everyone’.
Volunteers are the unsung heroes who dedicate themselves to making the shire a better place through organising events, supporting sports clubs, fundraising, caring for those in need, and protecting the environment.
To honour volunteers, Council is hosting free events.

Monday 20 May
Bruthen Mechanics Hall
1.00 - 2.00 pm

Tuesday 21 May
Club Eastwood, Lucknow
9.30 am - 10.30 am followed by Counci's free Mingle event

Thursday 23 May
Buchan Mechanics Hall
2.30 - 3.30 pm

Hear from some of East Gippsland's volunteers
On our YouTube channel you can watch local National Volunteer Week videos that reveal the generosity of volunteers who have played a part in making our region a great place to live.




Do you want to Volunteer at a Visitor Information Centre?

See our application information form below, or click here.

East Gippsland Volunteer Honour Roll

The East Gippsland Honour Roll (see below) is a permanent list that recognises the contribution and years of volunteering of local community members.
Nominations for the Honour Roll are open all year round, so if you are a volunteer or know someone who is, consider nominating online or by contacting our Customer Service Centre on 5153 9500.

There are currently no plans to display.
Please check back soon.

East Gippsland Volunteer Honour Roll

The East Gippsland Honour Roll recognises and celebrates the significant contribution made by volunteers by throughout East Gippsland.

The Mayor and Councillors thank all volunteers for the important role they play in our community, and to everyone who took the time to make a nomination.

Started in 2022, the honour is unveiled at our volunteer recognition events during National Volunteer Week and the names of all inductees are available on our website year-round.

50+ years

2024 inductees

Cynthia Robinson

Marie Redenbach

2023 inductees

Anne Macarthur

Bon Nettleton

Di Dixon

Don Blennerhassett

Jim Johnston

Nancy Johnston

Patricia Arnold

2022 inductees

Di Dixon

John Whitbourne

Phil Lind

Rhonda Wheeldon

40+ years

2024 inductees

Ian Dunkley

2023 inductees

Chris Power

Graham Wigg

Jean Johnston

Peter White

2022 inductees

Brenda Payne

Chris Power

Graham Symons

Joy Bennett

Kevin Dean

Linda Wilkinson

Ruth Christie

Stephen O’Brien

30+ years

2024 inductees

Maree Piera

Wayne Detering

Karen Fleischer

2023 inductees

Ally Stanton

Ian Brownwigg

Janet Cook

Julia Walker

Maree Piera

Moira Bryan

2022 inductees

Ian Brownrigg

Maree Piera

Joan Graves

John Whitbourne

Lorna Peterson

Ronda Manhire

Wolfgang Drobeck

20+ years

2024 inductees

Brendan Woodward

Rene Sundermann

Ellen Sundermann

Liz Carey

Simon Ellis

Debbie Van Der Peet

Troy Smythe

2023 inductees

Andrew Filmer

Bill Jackson

Colin Wells

Diane Wells

James Sitters

Susan Grima

Trevor Ashley

2022 inductees

Cate Spencer

Cheryl Peel

Erika Lind

Gloria Irvine

Gwen Newman

Helen Gottschalk

Jeffe Aronson

Jessica Armstrong

John Philip

Joseph Bandiera

Kate Commins

Kay Nelson

Kristine Cordery

Lindy Crawford

Lois Hateley

Louise Anketell

Margaret Hannington

Marie Cox

Marion Dawson

Neal Greig

Norma Harrison

Pat Phillips

Robyn Smith

Rod O’Connell

Rosalie Thexton

Rosemary Douglas

Shirley Bardwell

Simon Lawlor

Sonya Lawlor

Susan Grima

Tony Dodson

10+ years

2024 inductees

Debbie Gray

Penny Hammond

Dick Bakos

Sheree Midson

Ruth Smythe

2023 inductees

Bill East

Beth Hansford

Joanne Jones

Juris Driscoll-Plavins

Kathy Morgan

Phillip Jones

Pauline Stewart

Robyn Davie

Rosalie Thexton

Russell Hansford

Ryan Findley

Simon Hof

2022 inductees

Annie Robinson

Brenda Murray

Cass Cunningham

Chris Nichols

Chris Robinson

Dave Butler

Desma Payne

Dianne Allen

Frank Herbert

Gavin Lind

Geoff Crane

Grant Stewart

Helen Carter

Irene Yeats

James MacDonald

Jane Lloyd

Jenny Latimer

Jodie Herbert

Juris Driscoll-Plavins

Kae Roulston

Nicole Rankin

Paul Capes

Peter Schade

Sandra Sund

Sarah Breckon

Tracey Ah Sam

Ula Sheather

Yvonne Romp

5+ Years

2024 inductees

Alisha Caldwell

Christine Clayton

Kathy Gupta

Peter Van Den Oever

Andrew Gowland

Rowan Lowe

Ivan Knight

2023 inductees

Denise Quin

Elizabeth Ward

Helen Carter

Irene Birt

Kylie Fordham

Pheobe Butler

Pierre Forcier

Robert Harrap

Sarah Ridgwell

Sharon Mekken

2022 inductees

Ann Batt

Anthony Wright

Christine Trembath

Dylan Grayham

Elise Malberg

Emily Crane

Geoff Enever

Jack Peterson

John Pruscino

Kass O'Kelly

Leigh Barnetby

Lisa Lee

Lucas Rowley

Mary-Ann Harrison

Natalie Mitchell-O’Connell

Nick Tomkins

Raymond Barry

Robert Harrap

Robyn Davie

Sandi Betrame

Sarah Ridgwell

Sharon Mekken

Sheridan Grayham

Trevor Ashley

Walter Bower

Up to 5 years

2024 inductees

Amber Thompson

Brooke Downey

Dave Redden

Margaret Humphries

Sylvia Boyle

Karen McCole

Mandy Goodwin

Juan Ardiles

Deborah Hutter

Tracey Purcell

Sheree Midson

Louella Ozols

Mary Mitchell

2023 inductees

Allan Knewstubb

Betty Baker

Bob Carter

Cathy McLellan

Chris Leary

Diandu Wu

Durelle Ensouf

Ellie Lawrence

Helen Wilson

John Lawrence

Kevin Perry

Jo Andrews

John Kinniburgh

Justin O'Connor

Michelle Perry

Phillip Schneider

Scott Lamshed

Sherylle Holster

Tiana Felmingham

Virginia King

Wendii Carter

2022 inductees

Ben Lawson

Christine Reeves

Claudia Hodge

Elizabeth Ward

Hunter Boyle

Jagpreet Singh

Jen Smith

Joanne Fregon

Karlee Coles

Kiera Watson

Marianne Birley

Sarah Butler

Shane Elmore

Shane Peach

Sherylle Holster

Volunteer clubs, groups and organisations

AJ Freeman Reserve Committee of Management

Animal Aid Bairnsdale                    

Bairnsdale Adult Equestrian Club

Australian Volunteer Coast Guard – Lakes Entrance, Mallacoota, Marlo, Paynesville

Bairnsdale Agricultural Society  

Bairnsdale Amateur Basketball Association

Bairnsdale and District Arts Society  

Bairnsdale and District Motorcycle Club

Bairnsdale and District Table Tennis Association  

Bairnsdale Apex Club

Bairnsdale Bridge Club  

Bairnsdale Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Bairnsdale Citizens' Band  

Bairnsdale City Oval Committee of Management

Bairnsdale Clay Target Club  

Bairnsdale Cricket Association

Bairnsdale Croquet Club  

Bairnsdale Cycling Club

Bairnsdale Fire Brigade  

Bairnsdale Football Netball Club

Bairnsdale Hockey Club  

Bairnsdale Kart Club

Bairnsdale Kindergarten  

Bairnsdale Lapidary Club

Bairnsdale Neighbourhood House  

Bairnsdale Netball Association

Bairnsdale Pistol Club  

Bairnsdale Production Line Theatre Company

Bairnsdale Recycling Enterprise  

Bairnsdale RSL

Bairnsdale Regional Health Service – Bower Birds, Flower Auxiliary, Kiosk Auxiliary

Bairnsdale Scout Group  

Bairnsdale Scuba Club

Bairnsdale Squash and Racquetball Association  

Bairnsdale University of the Third Age

Bairnsdale Urban Landcare Group  

Bairnsdale Visitor Information Centre

Bemm River Community Recreation Centre  

Bemm River Progress and Improvement Association

Bemm River Recreation Reserve Committee of Management  

Benambra Memorial Recreation Reserve

Benambra Public Hall Reserve Committee of Management  

Bendoc Community Memorial Hall & Recreation Reserve

Bengworden Hall Committee  

Bengworden Landcare Group

Birdlife East Gippsland  

Blaze Aid

Bonang Hall Committee  

Breast Care Support Fund of East Gippsland

Bruthen & District Citizens' Association (Neighbourhood House)  

Bruthen & District Citizens’ Association  

Bruthen & District Community Recovery Committee  

Bruthen and District Landcare Group  

Bruthen Bowls Club  

Bruthen Football Netball Club

Bruthen Lions Club  

Bruthen Mechanics Institute

Bruthen Men’s Shed / Planned Activity Group  

Bruthen Public Recreation Reserve  

Bruthen Visitor Information Centre  

Buchan Bush Nursing Centre

Buchan Business & Tourism Association  

Buchan Cricket Club

Buchan Football Netball Club  

Buchan Heritage Group

Buchan Landcare Group  

Buchan Mechanics Institute

Buchan Neighbourhood House and Learn Local  

Buchan Recreation Reserve

Buchan Valley Golf Club  

Buchan, Gelantipy & Districts Renewal Association

Bullumwaal Mechanics Hall Reserve Committee of Management  

Cabbage Tree Creek Landcare Group

Cabbage Tree Public Hall  

Camp Coolamatong

Cann River Bush Nursing Centres  

Cann River Community Centre  

Cann River Hall and Recreation Reserve Committee of Management

Cann River Volunteer Support Group

Cann Valley District Representative Group  

Cann Valley Landcare Group  

Cassilis Recreation Reserve Committee of Management  

Centre of Excellence for Aboriginal Health East Gippsland  

CFA District 11 & CFA Brigades  

Clifton Creek Community Landcare Group  

Clifton Creek Community Recovery Team  

Clifton Creek Public Hall and Recreation Reserve  

Club Terrace Community Reserve Committee  

Combienbar Public Hall and Recreation Reserve  

Dargo Landcare Group  

Eagle Point Community Hall  

Eagle Point Landcare / Coastcare Group  

Eagle Point Recreation Club  

East Bairnsdale Community Hub  

East Gippsland Aero Club  

East Gippsland Age Friendly Ambassadors  

East Gippsland Art Gallery  

East Gippsland Asylum Seekers Support Network  

East Gippsland Bowls Association  

East Gippsland Brass

East Gippsland Community Hub  

East Gippsland Conservation Management Network

East Gippsland Disability Advisory Committee  

East Gippsland Eisteddfod

East Gippsland Family History Group  

East Gippsland Field Days Committee

East Gippsland FReeZA  

East Gippsland Historical Society

East Gippsland Landcare Network  

East Gippsland Powerboat Club

East Gippsland Photographic Society  

East Gippsland Rotary Fire Aid

East Gippsland Rail Trail Committee of Management  

East Gippsland Symphonia

East Gippsland Sports Foundation

East Gippsland Water Dragons

East Gippsland Umpires’ Association  

Ensay Mechanics Institute Reserve

East Gippsland Youth Ambassadors  

Errinundra to Snowy CRC & District Representative Group

Ensay Recreation Reserve

Far East Victoria Landcare

Evett Park Committee of Management  

Flaggy Creek Hall Committee of Management

Fernbank Public Hall Reserve  

Football Netball East Gippsland

Flaggy Creek Landcare  

Friends of Metung

Friends of Gippsland Lakes  

Friends of Picnic Point Reserve Landcare Group

Friends of Paynesville Library  

Friends of the Library Lakes Entrance

Friends of the Library East Gippsland  

Friends of Upper Nicholson Catchment

Gelantipy Landcare Group

Gelantipy Public Hall Reserve  

Genoa Public Hall

Genoa Sports Club  

Genoa Township Committee

Gippsland Agricultural Group  

Gippsland East L2P Volunteer Mentors

Gippsland East Local Learning and Employment Network

Gippsland East Mentoring Program

Gippsland Emergency Relief Fund  

Gippsland Environment Group

Gippsland Lakes Fishing Club  

Gippsland Lakes Yacht Club

Gippsland Opera  

Gippsland Sheep Breeders Association

Girl Guides  

Glen Valley Hall Committee

Glenaladale Cricket Club  

Glenaladale Landcare Group

Glenaladale Recreation Reserve Committee of Management  

Good Beginnings Bairnsdale

Goongerah Landcare Group  

Goongerah Public Hall and Recreation Reserve

Great Alpine Gallery  

Gunaikurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation

Harry Clues Memorial Park Reserve  

Headspace Youth Advisory Committee

Heritage Network East Gippsland  Hillside / Rosehill Reserve Association

Hinnomunjie Recreation Reserve Committee of Management

Hospice Lakes Entrance

Howitt Park Bowls Club

Howitt Park Reserve Committee of Management

Inner Wheel of Bairnsdale

Jarrahmond Landcare Group  

Johnsonville Public Hall Committee of Management

Krowathunkooloong Keeping Place - Gippsland and East Gippsland Aboriginal Co-Op

Lake Omeo Reserve  

Lake Tyers Beach Angling Club

Lake Tyers Beach Recreation Reserve Management Committee  

Lake Tyers Beach Road Hall Committee

Lake Tyers Coast Action Group  

Lakes Entrance Action and Development Association

Lakes Entrance Basketball Association  

Lakes Entrance Bowls Club

Lakes Entrance Community Landcare Group  

Lakes Entrance Cricket Club

Lakes Entrance Croquet Club

Lakes Entrance Family History Resource Centre

Lakes Entrance Football Netball Club  

Lakes Entrance Golf Club

Lakes Entrance Mechanics Institute Management Committee  

Lakes Entrance Men's Shed

Lakes Entrance Neighbourhood House  

Lakes Entrance Netball Association

Lakes Entrance Pony Club  

Lakes Entrance Recreation Reserve Committee of Management

Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society

Lakes Entrance RSL

Lakes Entrance Senior Citizens Centre

Lakes Entrance Tennis Club

Lakes Entrance University of the Third Age

Lakes Entrance Visitor Information Centre

Lakes Entrance Youth & Recreation Centre

Lindenow and District Pre School

Lindenow Bowling Club  Lindenow Bowls Club

Lindenow Football Netball Club  

Lindenow Memorial Hall Reserve Committee of Management

Lindenow South Cricket Club  

Lindenow South Football Netball Club

Lindenow South Recreation Reserve Committee

Lindenow Sports Ground Management Committee

Lions Club of Bairnsdale

Lions Club of Lindenow

Lions Club of Orbost

Lions Club of Paynesville

Local Hospital Boards

Lower Tambo Landcare Group

Lucknow Cricket Club

Lucknow Football Netball Club

Lucknow Memorial Hall Committee

Lucknow Recreation Reserve Management Committee

Mallacoota Ambulance Auxiliary

Mallacoota & District Business & Tourism Association

Mallacoota & District Historical Society

Mallacoota And District Recovery Association  

Mallacoota Angling Club  

Mallacoota Art Space  

Mallacoota Bowls Club  

Mallacoota Cricket Club  

Mallacoota Fire Brigade  

Mallacoota Golf Club  

Mallacoota Gun Club  

Mallacoota Hall and Recreation Committee  

Mallacoota Lions Club  

Mallacoota Pony Club  

Mallacoota RSL  

Mallacoota Sanctuary  

Mallacoota Soccer Club  

Mallacoota Visitor Information Centre  

Mallacoota Youth & Sports Club  

Mallacoota Youth and Sports Club  

Marlo Angling Club

Marlo Landcare Group

Marlo Residents and Ratepayers Association

Meals on Wheels  

Meerlieu Cricket Club

Metung Bowls Club  

Metung Business and Tourism Association

Metung Lions Club

Metung Primary School  

Metung RSL

Metung Swan Reach Cricket Club

Metung Tennis Club

Metung Yacht Club

Minefree Glenaladale

Mission Australia  

Mossiface Public Hall Reserve  

Newlands Arm Residents and Ratepayers Association

Nicholson Angling Club  

Nicholson Business & Tourism Association

Noorinbee Public Purposes Reserve Committee of Management

Nowa Nowa Camping & Recreation Reserve

Nowa Nowa Public Hall Reserve  

Noweyung Nungurner Landcare  

Omeo/ Swifts Creek RSL  

Omeo Benambra Football Netball Club  

Omeo Golf Club  Omeo Historical Society  

Omeo Recreation Reserve  

Omeo Region Business and Tourism Association  

Omeo Region Community Recovery Association

Omeo Soldiers Memorial Hall Committee of Management

Oneonta Group

Orbost & District Historical Society  

Orbost Agricultural Society

Orbost and District Chamber of Commerce & Industry

Orbost Basketball Association

Orbost Bowls Club

Orbost Community Sports Centre

Orbost Cricket Club  

Orbost Croquet Club

Orbost District Community Recovery and Transition Committee

Orbost Exhibition Centre

Orbost Girl Guides

Orbost Golf Club

Orbost Hockey Association

Orbost Kids Youth Club

Orbost Netball Association

Orbost Pony Club

Orbost RSL

Orbost Senior Citizens’ Centre

Orbost Slab Hut Visitor Information Centre

Orbost Snowy Rovers Football Netball Club

Orbost Tennis Club  

Paynesville Bowls Club

Paynesville Business & Tourism Association  

Paynesville Cemetery Trust

Paynesville Community Craft Centre  

Paynesville Football Netball Club

Paynesville Landcare / Coastcare Group  

Paynesville Maritime Museum  

Paynesville Men's Shed  

Paynesville Motor Cruiser Club  

Paynesville Neighbourhood Centre  

Paynesville Opp Shop  

Paynesville RSL  

1st Paynesville Sea Scout Group

Picnic Point Hall Management Committee  

PS Curlip & Gippsland Lakes Classic Boat Club  

Radio East Gippsland  

Raymond Island Landcare Group  

Red Cross Branches

Rotary Club of Bairnsdale  

Rotary Club of Bairnsdale Sunrise

Rotary Club of Lakes Entrance  

Rotary Club of Mitchell River

Rotary Club of Orbost

RSPCA Bairnsdale

Salvation Army Bairnsdale  

Sarsfield Community Association

Sarsfield Recreation Reserve Committee of Management  

Save The Children

Save the Snowy Rail Bridge  

School Councils and Parents’ Committees

Scout Association of Australia  

Snowy West Landcare

South Pines Golf Club  

State Emergency Services East Region

Surf Life Saving Lakes Entrance

Swan Reach Football Netball Club

Swan Reach Recreation Reserve  

Swifts Creek Bowls Club

Swifts Creek Bush Nursing Centre  

Swifts Creek Ensay Landcare Group

Swifts Creek Football Netball Club  

Swifts Creek Hall

Swifts Creek Recreation Reserve Committee of Management  

Tambo Bluff Landcare Coastcare

Tamboon Peach Tree Association  

Tambo Valley Golf Club  

Team Rubicon  

Trust for Nature  

Tubbut Hall and Development Association  

Twin Rivers Lions Club  

Victorian Council of Churches

Samaritans Purse Australia  

Sikh Volunteers Australia

Conservation Volunteers Australia  

Waterholes Wildlife Sanctuary

Clean Up Australia Day

Freemasons & Masonic Lodges

East Gippsland Wildlife Rehabilitators  

Bairnsdale Field and Game

Orbost Field and Game Gippsland Four Wheel Drive Club

Bairnsdale Four Wheel Drive Club

Empty Esky

East Gippsland Gymnastics Club  

East Gippsland Toastmasters

East Gippsland Hockey Association  

Bairnsdale Racing Club

East Gippsland Historical Automobile Club  

Classic Car Club Riviera Lakes

Bairnsdale And District Model Aero Club  

East Gippsland Motor Sports Club

East Gippsland Radio Group  

East Gippsland Dog Obedience Club

Bairnsdale and District Field Naturalists Club  

East Gippsland Bee Group

Lakes Entrance and Bairnsdale parkrun  

Bairnsdale Old Time Dance Group

Orbost Unit State Emergency Service  

Bairnsdale Unit State Emergency Service

Bruthen Unit State Emergency Service  

Cann River Unit State Emergency Service

Mallacoota Unit State Emergency Service  

Bonang Unit State Emergency Service

Buchan Unit State Emergency Service  

Swifts Creek Unit State Emergency Service

Wairewa and District Landcare Group

Wairewa Community Recovery Committee  

Wairewa Public Hall & Recreation Reserve

West Bairnsdale Cricket Club  

West Bairnsdale Oval Advisory Committee

Westdale Kindergarten  

Wulgulmerang Recreation Reserve

WORLD (Women’s Organised Recreational Leisure & Development) Centre  

Wy Yung and District Recreation Reserve Management Committee

Wy Yung Football Netball Club

Wy Yung Hall and William McBriar Recreational Reserve Committee

Days for Girls East Gippsland

East Gippsland Shire Council Audit and Risk Committee  

East Gippsland Livestock Exchange Advisory Committee

East Gippsland Agriculture Sector Advisory Committee  

Country Women’s Association Branches  

Lakes Entrance Garden Club

Orbost Garden Club

Native Plant Society East Gippsland

Bairnsdale Garden Club  

Bairnsdale Christmas Parade

Orbost Christmas Eve Festival  

Buchan Rodeo

Omeo Rodeo  

Buchan Pony Club

Riviera Triathlon Club  

Riviera Quilters

Bairnsdale Tennis Club  

East Gippsland Zone of Pony Clubs

Snowy River Horse Riding Club  

East Gippsland Mountain Bike Club

Volunteer Application Form and Handbook

The Visitor Services Volunteer Program aims to facilitate opportunities for volunteer involvement and to recognise the significant contribution made by volunteers.

Council’s focus on Visitor Services in East Gippsland provides two opportunities for individuals to volunteer with us:

1. Visitor Services Volunteer – Lakes Entrance Visitor Information Centre

2. Visitor Services Volunteer – Bairnsdale Visitor Information Centre

Click here to volunteer and for our Handbook. It sets out to provide easy-to-understand guidelines for the lifecycle of a volunteer – including selection, placement, support and acknowledgment of volunteers, while providing information to volunteers on their role, rights and responsibilities within Council.

Non-Profit Training workshops

We are pleased to announce the launch of FREE face-to-face and online community leadership training workshops. Whether you are a community recovery committee member, part of a club, or a community superhero, we have got something for you!   

Join online at Non Profit Training.

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