If you are affected by or have concerns about a planning permit application you can contact council to discuss.
You can also submit a formal objection, which may include suggestions for changes that would resolve your concerns.
Anyone can lodge an objection to a planning permit application. Council must consider all objections when assessing the application.
Fill out an Objection Form. You need to object in writing and say how the application will affect you.
You need to object on valid planning issues.
Objections are made public. Your name and address will be available to the public and the applicant.
You will be sent a letter confirming your objection has been received.
You may be invited to a consultation meeting to discuss your concerns with the applicant and Council officers.
You will receive a copy of Council's decision.
If a permit is granted, Council issues a ‘Notice of Decision to Grant a Permit’ and if a permit is refused Council will issue a ‘Notice of Decision to Refuse a Planning Permit’.
If a decision to grant a planning permit is made, objectors have 28 days to apply to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) for a review.
Council’s decision about a planning permit application does not necessarily have to be final.
If you are unhappy with a decision you can review it with the Victorian Civil and Administration Tribunal (VCAT). An application for review may: