Council Elections
Council Elections
Find out about the 2024 Council Election including when the elections will take place, how to enrol to vote, becoming a candidate, voting, the election period, and campaign donations.


Electoral structure

East Gippsland Shire Council is unsubdivided, with nine councillors.

East Gippsland Shire Council boundary map

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2024 Council Election

When is the next Council Election?

The next Council Election will be held on Saturday 26 October 2024. Successful candidates will be elected for a four-year term.

Voting method

The voting system is determined by the Minister for Local Government.

The method of voting for the 2024 election will be by postal ballot.

Is voting compulsory?

Voting is compulsory for all State-enrolled and Council-enrolled voters.  If you do not vote, you may get a fine.

Election timeline

4.00 pm, Wednesday 7 August 2024

Entitlement date - close of roll.

To be eligible to vote at a Council election, people must be on the State or Council roll by the entitlement date.

Monday 9 September 2024

Election office opens at Ground Floor, 76 Main Street, Bairnsdale.

Election offices will be open to the public until 6.00 pm, Friday 25 October 2024.

Election office opening hours: 9.00 am to 5.00 pm weekdays, except for Thursday 24 October (closes at 8.00 pm) and Friday 25 October (closes at 6.00 pm).

Monday 9 September 2024

Nominations open.

Candidates must submit their nominations in person to the Election Manager before the close of nominations. Candidate statements and photographs must also be provided to the VEC. The nomination period runs from Monday 9 September to noon, Tuesday 17 September.

Noon, Tuesday 17 September 2024

Close of nominations - election period commences.

Candidates must submit their nominations in person to the Election Manager before the close of nominations. The nomination period runs from 9 to 17 September. Once nominations have closed, the ballot will be drawn to determine the ballot paper order.

Monday 7 - Thursday 10 October 2024

Ballot packs posted.

15-17 days before close of voting, the VEC will post ballot packs to enrolled voters.

6.00 pm, Friday 25 October 2024

Close of voting.

The election will be undertaken by postal voting.

In postal elections, ballot papers must be completed and posted to the Election Manager no later than the last working day before election day.

Saturday 26 October 2024

Election day - election period ends 6.00 pm.

There is no physical voting on Election Day. All ballot papers must be completed and sent to the Election Manager prior to Election Day. Declaration of successful candidates occurs from Sunday 27 October to Friday 15 November 2024.

Tuesday 19 November 2024 (subject to the date of declaration of results)

Swearing in of Councillors and election of Mayor.

A Special Council Meeting will be held to swear in the members of Council and to elect a Mayor.

Becoming a candidate

Being a councillor provides an exciting challenge and an opportunity to represent your community and play a vital role in shaping East Gippsland Shire Council.

If you are looking for an opportunity to contribute to the future direction and development of your community, you should consider standing for Council.

To be eligible, you must:

  • be an Australian citizen;
  • be aged 18 or over;
  • be on the electoral roll in the East Gippsland municipality; and
  • complete the mandatory Local Government candidate training.

Nominations to become a candidate open Monday 9 September 2024 and close noon, Tuesday 17 September 2024.

Find out more information and resource visit Local council candidate resources | Victorian Electoral Commission

Candidate Information Sessions

MAV Stand for Council

East Gippsland Shire Council has partnered with the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) to deliver the 2024 Stand for Council: Community and Candidate Information Sessions.

The Stand for Council program aims to assist councils to attract a diverse range of prospective candidates by providing important information regarding the 2024 council elections, the role of council and the responsibilities of being a Councillor.

It also aims to build community awareness to understand the important role of voters in delivering local democracy and representation.

The sessions will be held at various metropolitan and non-metropolitan locations across Victoria. To register, visit Stand for Council | MAV website.

You can attend a session anywhere in the state – you don’t have to attend a local session.

All Victorian sessions and registration information is available on the MAV website.

Find out more about becoming a candidate by visiting the Become a local council candidate | Victorian Electoral Commission.

Additional Candidate Information Sessions

East Gippsland Shire Council will host a number of community and candidate information sessions and details will be released soon.

Why stand for election?

Three MAV members and councillors share their experiences as candidates and elected representatives

Voting in a Council Election

Method of voting

The method of voting for the 2024 Council Election will be by postal ballot.

Voting in local government general elections may be:

  • Postal: Voters in the area receive a ballot pack by mail.
  • Attendance: Voters in the area go to a voting centre to vote.

The voting system for all Victorian local councils is set by the Minister for Local Government.

Eligibility to vote

To be eligible to vote there are two types of voters:

  • State-enrolled
  • Council-enrolled

You have one vote in East Gippsland Shire Council. If you are a State-enrolled voter, that is the enrolment you use to vote.

State-enrolled voters

You must enrol and vote if you:

  • are 18 years or older
  • are an Australian citizen
  • have lived at your address for longer than one month.

For more information, visit Enrolling for local council elections.

Council-enrolled voters

Some ratepayers can apply to become council-enrolled voters in East Gippsland Shire Council if they are:

  • a property owner, occupier or represent a corporation;
  • 18 years or older; and
  • not a State-enrolled voter within the East Gippsland Shire Council area.

These are known as Council-enrolled voters.

The rules for Council-enrolled voters have changed ahead of the 2024 council elections. These changes are explained below.

Owner ratepayers

You can apply to enrol in East Gippsland Shire Council if you:

  • own property and pay rates in the council area;
  • are 18 years or older; and
  • are not a state-enrolled voter who lives in East Gippsland Shire Council.

This includes:

  • Australian citizens who own a property in East Gippsland Shire Council but do not live in the area (for example an investment or a holiday home); and
  • non-citizens over 18 years old who own a property and live in East Gippsland Shire Council.

Up to two ratepayers can apply to enrol per property, but each person only gets one vote.

Application for Enrolment Form - Owner Ratepayer

Occupier ratepayers

You can apply to enrol in East Gippsland Shire Council if you:

  • pay rates for a property that you occupy but do not own;
  • are 18 years or older; and
  • are not a state-enrolled voter.

Up to 2 people per property can apply to enrol, but each person only gets one vote.

Application for Enrolment Form - Occupier Ratepayer


You can apply to enrol to vote on behalf of a corporation if you:

  • are a director or company secretary of a corporation that pays rates (either as an owner or an occupier) in the council area;
  • have consented to being appointed as the corporation’s representative; and
  • are not already a state-enrolled voter or council-enrolled voter for the same council.

Only one person can apply to enrol as the corporation’s representative.

Application for Appointment of Voting Representative – Corporation Owner or Occupier

If you meet the criteria

If you meet any of these criteria, you can contact us on (03) 5153 9500 to apply to enrol.

Once you are enrolled, you must vote in the October 2024 elections and onwards. If you don’t vote, you may get a fine.

Resigning your enrolment

If you don’t want to vote for that property anymore, you can apply to resign your enrolment.

Resignation of Appointment - Corporation Owner or Occupier

Revocation of Appointment - Corporation Owner or Occupier

Resignation of Enrolment - Owner or Occupier Ratepayer

Expiry of enrolment

Occupier ratepayers’ and corporations’ enrolment expires before the next local government general election.

If you want to continue to vote, you must apply to enrol again before the next Local Government General Election (2028).

East Gippsland Shire Council will send you an invitation when it is time to renew your enrolment.

Owner ratepayers’ enrolment does not expire, but they can apply to resign their enrolment.

Silent Voters

If you enrol as a silent voter your enrolled address will not appear on the public voters’ roll. Some people choose to enrol this way as a safety measure.

If you want to enrol this way with Council you need to complete a separate Silent Voter Application Form. You will also need to provide a statutory declaration that explains why having your address on a voters' roll places or would place the personal safety of you or members of your family at risk.

If you are already a silent elector on the state electoral roll you will automatically be made a silent elector on the council roll if the VEC can identify and match your records.

To make sure your address is not shown, you will need to complete and submit a Silent Voter Application Form.

In relation to the October 2024 council elections, be sure to return your completed Silent Voter Application Form before the Council deadline of 5.00 pm, Friday 2 August 2024.

There is also more information about council enrolment on the VEC website at Enrolling for local council elections.

Election period

The Election Period (commonly known as Caretaker Mode), is the period starting from the last day that nominations to be a candidate for a Council election can be received, and ends at 6.00 pm on election day. In 2024, this period will run from noon, Tuesday 17 September until 6.00 pm, Saturday 26 October 2024.

During this period, Council business is conducted in accordance with the Election Period Policy to avoid the use of public resources in a way that may unduly affect the election result, and to minimise Councils making certain types of decisions that may unduly limit the decision-making ability of the incoming Council.

The Election Period Policy ensures that all general elections of the East Gippsland Shire Council are conducted in a manner that is ethical, fair and equitable and are publicly perceived as such.

Council’s Election Period Policy was adopted by Council at the Ordinary Meeting held on 30 April 2024.

Read the:

Election Period Policy

Election Signage and Electioneering

The display and placement of political advertising and activities on roads, footways and private property is strictly controlled within the Shire of East Gippsland. The requirements are outlined in 4.18 Electoral Signage and Electioneering of the Election Period Policy.

Councillors, like other candidates, must comply with the East Gippsland Planning Scheme and General Local Law requirements regarding electoral signage and electioneering in public places.

Penalty: 10 Penalty Units

East Gippsland Planning Scheme Requirements

Clause 52.05-10 of the East Gippsland Planning Scheme – Signs not requiring a permit Despite any provision in a zone, overlay, or other particular provision of this scheme, a permit is not required to construct or put up for display any of the following signs:

A sign with a display area not exceeding 5 square metres publicising a local educational, cultural, political, religious, social, or recreational event not held for commercial purposes. Only one sign may be displayed on the land, it must not be an animated or internally illuminated sign and it must not be displayed longer than 14 days after the event is held or 3 months, whichever is sooner. A sign publicising a local political event may include information about a candidate for an election.

General Local Law Requirements

Part 6, Division 1, Section 43 – Advertising Signs

A person must not, without a Permit, erect or place an Advertising Sign on any part of a Road, Road Reserve or Council Land or cause or authorise another person to do so.

Both the East Gippsland Planning Scheme and the General Local Law provide for penalties for any breaches detected by authorised officers.

Election campaign donations

All candidates who nominate in council elections are required to submit an ‘Election Campaign Donation Return’ to the Chief Executive Officer within 40 days after election day.

Candidate returns must detail any gifts, goods or services worth $500 or more received during the donation period for use in connection with their election campaign. This applies to all candidates, whether elected or not, and whether they received campaign donations or not.

The ‘donation period’ is defined as the period beginning 30 days after election day in the previous election and ending 30 days after election day in the current election.

In accordance with the Local Government Act 2020 the Chief Executive Officer must:

  • submit a report to the Minister specifying the names of the persons who were candidates in the election, and the names of those candidates who submitted an election campaign donation return; and
  • make a summary of each election campaign donation return received available on Council's website until entitlement for the next general election; and
  • ensure that a copy of an election campaign donation return is available for inspection for a period of four years from the date it is given.

View the East Gippsland Shire Council Election Campaign Donation Return Summary.

More information

To apply to become or check if you are a council-enrolled voter in East Gippsland Shire Council, contact us on (03) 5153 9500.

For information about Victorian elections, visit the Victorian Electoral Commission.

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