We operate 35 waste facilities comprising of a landfill, 17 transfer stations and 13 trailer sites and 4 bin enclosures at more remote locations.
In addition to this, our waste contractor Tambo Waste operates a Materials Recovery Facility (MRF), where all recyclable materials, collected via kerbside bins or via the landfill recycling facility and transfer stations, are sorted and further packaged for recycling.
We are proud to offer free disposals for all recyclable items at transfer stations and landfill. Please see our Landfills and Transfer Station page for locations and to find out what items are accepted at the different locations.
If you are passionate about recycling and want to know how the recycling is sorted at the MRF – check out the National Recycling Week - Materials Recovery Facility - YouTube video.
Kerbside collection is available to the majority of East Gippsland Shire residents. We offer:
Other areas have access to a rural waste trailer or a bin enclosure.
Our kerbside waste collection contract is held by Tambo Waste. Tambo Waste covers over 19,000 kilometres per month collecting waste from the three waste streams and is a major part of our day to day operations servicing East Gippsland.
See our Bin Collection page for more information and to find your bin day.
Items disposed of at transfer stations are transported by our team to either:
A team of drivers with hook trucks move around 100 containers from waste transfer stations at an average of 1350 movements per year, back to Bairnsdale where the items are either recycled at the MRF or general waste placed in the landfill.
From the MRF, recyclables are transported to recycling facilities around Victoria, ensuring everything that can be reused, is reused - reducing waste to landfill.
We are responsible for emptying street litter bins in all towns, recreational reserves, parks, and playgrounds throughout East Gippsland. This job increases significantly during December and January, long weekends, and other school holidays. Our contractor collects approximately 350 tons of street litter annually.
East Gippsland Shire operates 5 caravan parks and campgrounds. All parks offer general waste and recycling options, which are the park managers and supervisors' responsibility. During school holidays and long weekends, waste management is a significant duty to ensure facilities are kept for all visitors while looking after our pristine environment.
East Gippsland Shire recently awarded a tender for the design of an organic compost facility adjacent to the Bairnsdale landfill. The design is expected to be completed mid-2023 when the project will progress into the planning and EPA (Environment Protection Authority) Approvals processes. The Organic Compost Facility plays a major part in being able to meet the Victorian State Government requirement that all municipalities provide FOGO (Food Organic, Green Organic) services to residents by 2030.
After a landfill cell has served its purpose, it must be capped to meet strict Environment Protection Authority (EPA) and other government regulations.
As an example, Lakes Entrance Landfill transitioned to a transfer station in 2021-22 which included new sheds, road sealing, removal of weighbridge (still to be completed), capping of the landfill cell and revegetation.
The Bosworth Road former landfill site is a wonderful example of land being offered for community use. Part of the site was redeveloped and repurposed as a fenced dog off-leash area.
For more information on dog off-leash areas refer to Dogs in Public Places.
The extensive work to rehabilitate a site is required to ensure all state regulations are met; sites are audited regularly by the EPA.