Agricultural Assistance
Agricultural Assistance
Information about agencies and programs offering support to the agriculture sector.

Agrinews newsletter

Agrinews is our monthly agricultural newsletter where you can read up on all the latest information on funding, programs and opportunities in East Gippsland.

Buchan community event: Farmer's Day Out Tuesday 9 July.

Afternoon tea and dinner provided. Guest speaker Kathy Gabriel.

Services announced soon.

Farmer Survey results

Thank you to all the farmers who participated in the Farmer Survey 2021.

Council received 439 responses, which provided a great snapshot of the agriculture sector in East Gippsland.

Check out the survey at: Farmer Survey Report and Actions.


Council can assist with accessing information about programs, funding and opportunities for the agriculture sector.

Council also produces a monthly Agrinews newsletter, which includes such information. The register to receive this newsletter, please email

Please don't self-assess when considering eligibility for various grants and programs mentioned in the newsletter, instead, call the Agribusiness Development Officer on 5153 9500 or Rural Financial Counselling Service Victoria on 1300 045 747.

East Gippsland Farm Gate Trail - Love Where it's Grown, Caught, Made

If you're a farmer, grower, producer, winemaker, brewer or distiller with a farm gate, sign up to be part of an East Gippsland Farm Gate Trail program. You can register here as part of the Love Where You Live program.

Register here: Taste | Visit East Gippsland.


This program promotes the many agribusinesses that grow, harvest, farm and produce from properties across East Gippsland and sell their produce through farm gates, roadside stalls, farmers' markets or online. The Grown, Caught, Made program creates the opportunity for community and visitors to engage in outdoor trade with small-scale and craft farmers and producers of the region.

To create your own tailor-made program, head to

Assistance, support programs and opportunities

The following government departments, organisations, community groups and service clubs have information available, ranging from farm and household assistance, support programs and opportunities.

Rural Finance Industry Programs

Rural Financial Counselling

Foundation for Rural Regional Renewal - Tackling Tough Times Together

East Gippsland and Wellington shires' Drought Response Proposal (2019).

Agricultural Sector Advisory Committee

Council created an East Gippsland Drought Reference Group in 2018, in response to a prolonged drought. The group provided strategic advice, guidance, advocacy and actions to support drought-impacted communities in the shire, and maximised support and funding opportunities from all tiers of government.

In 2020, a new committee, the Agriculture Sector Advisory Committee, was formed with a broader focus on matters of significance to the agriculture sector. It provides advice, guidance and recommendations to Council on matters that affect the agriculture sector in East Gippsland and its communities.

The committee comprises 16 members, of which 11 are representatives of families, businesses, companies, and single practitioners actively engaged in agriculture, along with a representative from Agriculture Victoria, East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority and Food & Fibre Gippsland and two Councillors.

New committee members are taken on each year, so if you operate an agribusiness or a business supporting the agriculture industry (including, but not limited to fishing, fibre, alternate crops, stock handling), located near our commercial hubs, rural regions or based in the High Country, we invite you to consider joining ASAC and ensure that East Gippsland's ‘Ag’ voice to Council remains strong and relevant.

For more information call Kaylene Wickham, EGSC Agribusiness Development Officer on 5153 9450.

Interested candidates are invited to refer to the ASAC Charter and complete the Expression Of Interest form and return it via email to

There are currently no plans to display.
Please check back soon.

Rates assistance

We can help with:

  • Financial hardship assessments
  • Pensioner concessions
  • Farm rate eligibility

You are encouraged to speak to Council if you are experiencing difficulty paying your rates. There are several ways Council may be able to assist, including an arrangement to pay that is tailored to your situation.

Although interest is charged on all overdue amounts, if ratepayers enter into and honour an arrangement to pay, the risk of additional costs being incurred because action is undertaken to recover the debt is eliminated. Council officers are committed to working with ratepayers to put a plan in place for paying any overdue amounts.

It could be an arrangement that spreads rates payments more evenly across a period of time, or if things are really tough, it might be an interest free period that allows the rates to be paid overtime without extra costs being incurred.

To discuss your rates, visit one of our Customer Service Centres or contact us on (03) 5153 9500. View our rates information.

* Council continues to lobby the Victorian Government for rate relief.

Free silage wrap disposal continues

We have a free silage wrap disposal program. Farmers with silage wrap can continue to dispose of their silage wrap free (until further notice) at council’s waste facilities in Omeo, Orbost, Lakes Entrance and Bairnsdale. Please call the relevant site prior to taking the silage to ensure it is open.

The silage wrap needs to be shaken and as clean as possible, and will be accepted in Bulka bags, wool bags or Plasback bags without net wrap or twine. There is a limit of 4m per customer per day at the Transfer Stations.

For more information, visit

Information from Agriculture Victoria

A new comprehensive feeding livestock website with tools, resources and calculators you’ll need during drought and other times when pasture is limited can be found at

Agriculture Victoria has published two videos of Gippsland farmers speaking about the drought conditions and assistance measures.

Watch Geoff Gooch, of Pearsondale, and Andrew Jones, of Stratford, discussing support options.

Other Government and Support Agencies

Telephone Contacts

  • Agriculture Victoria 136 186
  • Rural Financial Counselling Service 1300 045 747
  • Rural Finance 1800 260 425
  • Small Business Victoria 132 215
  • Department of Families, Fairness and Housing 1300 650 172
  • Regional Investment Corporation 1800 875 675

Crisis support

If you or someone you know is in need of crisis support, please contact:

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