Culture and Creativity Strategy 2022-2032
Culture and Creativity Strategy 2022-2032
Council's Culture and Creativity Strategy will build and celebrate the region's arts and culture scene.

The Culture and Creativity Strategy 2023–2033 lays out an ambitious vision for the future and a roadmap for how to get there. It’s designed to build on our strengths and set us up to show the rest of the state, the country – and indeed the world – what makes us unique.

The Culture and Creativity Strategy links to the Council Plan that states:

  • East Gippsland is an inclusive and innovative community that values our natural environment, puts community at the centre of Council decision making, and creates the conditions in which communities can thrive.
  • Culture and creativity have an important role in realising this vision. Building on the vision, the strategy articulates the community’s aspirations for the cultural life of the Shire and describes where we aim to be by 2033.

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