Our Community Vision 2040, reviewed and revised in 2025, expresses the aspirations, values, and priorities of the East Gippsland community, and will help shape what we want achieved in our community by 2040.
No one area of Council, community, agency or other levels of government can achieve the Community Vision alone.
It extends beyond Council’s jurisdiction, and provides a platform for collaboration with community, municipal and regional partnerships, and advocacy.
It is, in part, an expression of how Council will work with the community to apply and direct resources under its control towards achieving our desired future.
As our community evolves, the Community Vision will be reviewed and updated to reflect community aspirations, to ensure it maintains relevance. The first of these reviews began in July 2024, reaching more than 2,500 community members. This included 1,400 participants in a live voting exercise held at over 30 locations, over 955 people engaging through our online engagement platform, 155 survey responses, and 70 photo competition entries.
In December 2024, a 22-member community panel was formed to consolidate the broader community's feedback and finalise the revised Community Vision. Council then adopted the updated version of its updated version - which expresses the aspirations, values and priorities of the community.
This inclusive approach ensured that the community’s voices were heard and reflected in the updated Vision, which remains aligned with East Gippsland’s priorities. The high level of participation demonstrates the community’s commitment to shaping the region’s future.
The Community Vision will guide Council’s work through the development and implementation of its Council Plan and other strategic plans.