Committees of Council
Committees of Council
Council may form Committees to support decision-making, planning, facility management, or to provide advisory services.
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Audit and Risk Committee
Statutory requirement.

Monitors and provides advice to Council on financial reporting, internal control, compliance, and risk management. It does this through the provision of independent advice on matters relevant to its Charter, to assist Council decision-making.

Chief Executive Officer Employment and Remuneration Committee
Established under the Chief Executive Officer Employment and Remuneration Policy which is a statutory requirement.

Considers, and makes recommendations to Council on the:

  • Selection and appointment of an Independent Member.
  • Performance monitoring of the CEO, including with respect to achievement of the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
  • Annual review of the CEO’s performance, including against the KPIs.
  • CEO’s remuneration.
  • Recruitment and appointment (or reappointment) of a CEO, if required.
Disability Advisory Committee
Advisory committee that Council can either continue or discontinue at its discretion.

Provides advice on things that matter to people with a disability in the region. It seeks to maximise the contribution being made by Council and its partners by working with a common agenda to create a more inclusive and accessible East Gippsland.

East Gippsland Agriculture Sector Advisory Committee
Advisory committee that Council can either continue or discontinue at its discretion.

Provides advice, guidance, and recommendations to Council on matters that affect the agriculture sector in East Gippsland and its communities.

East Gippsland Economic Development Advisory Committee
Advisory committee that Council can either continue or discontinue at its discretion.

Provides advice, guidance, and recommendations to Council on matters that affect economic growth across the municipality.

East Gippsland Livestock Exchange Consultative Committee
Advisory committee that Council can either continue or discontinue at its discretion.

Is a platform for consultation with key stakeholders on the operations of the livestock exchange. The group also discusses industry matters that may impact the livestock exchange business.

Marina Consultative Committee
Advisory committee that Council can either continue or discontinue at its discretion.

Is a forum for Berth Holder representatives to consult with Council on any subject matter that impacts Berth Holders. This includes service provision, policy, marina experience, capital projects and lease agreement matters.

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