Children and Teens
Children and Teens
Library programs and resources aimed at children from 0 to 12 years.

We offer a number of programs and activities to help young people build their literacy, and enjoy reading and visiting libraries.

Our weekly Storytime sessions are designed for ages 2-5 and their parents/guardians.

The sessions run for 45 minutes and include stories, songs, dancing, poems and rhymes, and craft activities.

Rhymetime sessions are held weekly for ages 0-2 and their parents/guardians.

The sessions run for 30 minutes and are designed to encourage parents and carers to share rhymes and songs with babies.

Check out our Events page for more activities.

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Triangle Park
Marlo Road, Marlo

Play Equipment, BBQ (electric), Gazebo

West Bairnsdale Recreation Reserve
McKean St, Bairnsdale

Play Equipment, Toilets

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Aims of Storytime

  • Encourage children to develop a love of reading, books and libraries.
  • Stimulate imagination, ideas and interests.
  • Teach effective listening skills.
  • Help develop pre-reading skills.
  • Introduce the library as a fun, inviting place to be for children and parents/guardians.
  • Become aware of library resources.
  • Provide opportunities to socialise with other children and caregivers
  • Have fun!

Storytime Schedule

  • Bairnsdale Library, Tuesday at 11.00 am - 12.00 pm
  • Lakes Entrance Service Centre, Tuesday at 11.00 am - 12.00 pm
  • Orbost Service Centre, Tuesday at 10.30 am - 11.30 am  
  • Paynesville Service Centre, Tuesday at 11.00 am - 12.00 pm
  • Mallacoota Service Centre, Thursday at 2.30 pm - 3.30 pm


Aims of Rhymetime

  • Encourage children to develop a love of reading, books and libraries.
  • Stimulate imagination, ideas and interests.
  • Teach effective listening skills.
  • Help develop pre-reading skills.
  • Introduce the library as a fun, inviting place to be for children and parents.
  • Become aware of library resources.
  • Provide opportunities to socialise with other children and caregivers.
  • Have fun!

Rhymetime Schedule

  • Bairnsdale Library, Wednesday at 10.30 am - 11.00 am
  • Lakes Entrance Service Centre, Wednesday at 11.00 am - 11.30 am
  • Orbost Service Centre, Thursday at 10.00 am - 10.30 am
  • Paynesville Service Centre, Monday at 10.30 am - 11.00 am
  • Mallacoota Service Centre, Tuesday at 10.00 am - 10.30 am

1000 Books Before School program

We are participating in 1000 Books Before School to promote early literacy skills.

Reading for just 10 minutes a day can instill a lifelong love of books and learning in young children.

Sharing stories with babies and young children helps develop literacy skills that will prepare them for reading at school.

Research shows that children who are read to every day from an early age have extended vocabularies, increased reading readiness and improved cognitive skills when they start school.

How 1000 Books Before School works

Become a library member and register at one of our libraries to get your first Reading Record and Reading Kit.

Mark, colour or put a sticker on your Reading Record each time you read with your child. When you reach a milestone in your Reading Record, bring it in to one of our libraries for a special reward.

Every book that your child completes, or actively listens to, counts – this includes stories read at Storytime sessions, day care, playgroup, kindergarten, as well as the same book over and over again.

The program finishes when your child reaches 1000 books or starts school. Don't be daunted by the 1000 book target. It's all about the journey.

For further information, phone (03) 5152 4225 or ask your library staff.

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