Online Learning and Safety
Online Learning and Safety
This page gives people resources to improve their skills for the smart, safe and responsible use of technology.

We are also committed to helping people protect themselves from some of the pitfalls of the internet and be safe in the online world.

We work to increase opportunities to improve the skills of the community for the smart, safe and responsible use of technology.

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Triangle Park
Marlo Road, Marlo

Play Equipment, BBQ (electric), Gazebo

West Bairnsdale Recreation Reserve
McKean St, Bairnsdale

Play Equipment, Toilets

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Online Learning Resources

Be Connected

We recommend that you sign up to our partner Be Connected.

Be Connected is an Australian Government initiative committed to increasing the confidence, skills and online safety of older Australians by empower people to use the internet and everyday technology to thrive in our digital world.

GCF Learn Free

The GCF Learn Free program has helped millions around the world learn the essential skills they need to live and work in the 21st century, from Microsoft Office and email to reading, maths, and more.

This site offers more than 180 topics, including more than 2,000 lessons, 800+ videos, and 55+ interactives and games, completely free.

Telstra Tech Savvy Seniors

Tech Savvy Seniors gives older people, particularly those in regional and remote areas the opportunity to develop the skills and confidence to use technology for socialising, accessing important services or conducting personal business.

Online Safety Resources

Australian Cyber Security Centre

The Australian Cyber Security Centre provides advice and information about how to protect you, your family and your business online.

It leads the Australian Government’s efforts to improve cyber security.


Office of the eSafety Commissioner

The eSafety Commissioner is responsible for promoting online safety for all Australians.

It is committed to helping all Australians have safe, positive experiences online—just as they would offline.  The Office co-ordinates and leads the online safety efforts of government, industry and the not-for profits.



Scamwatch is run by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC).

It provides information to consumers and small businesses about how to recognise, avoid and report scams.



ThinkUKnow is a free, evidence-based cyber safety program that provides presentations to Australian parents, carers and teachers and students.

It provides information on the technologies young people use, the challenges they may face, and importantly, how they can be overcome.


headspace is the National Youth Mental Health Foundation funded by the Australian Government. It supports young people aged 12-25 with mental health, work and study (including help with finding a job or planning further education), physical health (including sexual health) and alcohol and other drugs services.

Counselling Support Services


13 11 14

Lifeline is a national charity providing all Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to 24-hour crisis support and suicide prevention services.


Kids Help Line

Visit the Kids Help Line website or phone 1800 55 1800


Beyond Blue

1300 22 4636

Beyond Blue promotes good mental health, tackles stigma and discrimination, and provides support and information on anxiety, depression and suicide to everyone in Australia.

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