The new Lucknow Recreation Reserve clubrooms are officially open!
Mayor Cr Mendy Urie joined Lucknow Football Netball Club and Federal Member for Gippsland Darren Chester in opening in the new facilities on Saturday 19 June.
Club life members, past presidents, players, supporters and sponsors, the recreation reserve committee of management, contractors, and local State MP Tim Bull were all on hand to mark the occasion.
Jointly funded between the Commonwealth Government, Council and Lucknow Football Netball Club, the upgraded clubrooms provide a fit-for-purpose facility with:
Cr Urie said the new facilities will be part of so many lives, from young children starting out in sport, to the senior members of our community who enjoy having the club as a place to connect socially.
“It was great to have club life member Pat Hollingsworth cut the ribbon. Mrs Hollingsworth has her name adorned on the wall of the new rooms above the kitchen – the Pat Hollingsworth Kitchen – and stories were shared about how Mrs Hollingsworth served sandwiches and cups of tea from a bark hut on the sidelines of the oval many years ago! What a great link between the club’s history and the current day,” Cr Urie said.
Major redevelopments like this don’t just happen. There is significant amount of planning, funding applications and budget bids, project management and ultimately construction over many months and even years.
Cr Urie said Council was proud to be a major contributor to the project, thanked its funding partner in the Commonwealth Government, and highlighted the work of the volunteers from both the club and committee of management.
“The club volunteers have remained relentless in driving this project for the betterment of their players, supporters, club and community,” Cr Urie said.
“Thank-you for your contribution and hats off for the major volunteer effort that has supported this project.
“Also, thank-you to our major contractor Brooker Builders and designer Ian Neville, and all sub-contractors and suppliers. What you have created here will stand the test of time.”
Partnering with the Victorian Government through Sport and Recreation Victoria a full netball court upgrade is also in place, making for a combined investment of $2.5 million.