public notices
Streetscape planting: Moroney Street, McKean Street to Bredt Street, Bairnsdale
Date of Issue: 
June 17, 2024

We plant and replace trees each year across the municipality.


The species of tree chosen is based on:

  • Site conditions including utilities (power, water, gas etc.), soil profile and space available
  • Existing vegetation in the locality
  • Future-proofing for expected climate change
  • Minimising ongoing maintenance requirements for Council
  • Stock availability


Moroney Street was chosen for this project to complement the Urban Street Improvements completed recently.

We are informing property owners what species Council intends to plant on their nature strip as part of this project. The streetscape has been designed by Council’s Arborist, Parks & Gardens Coordinator and Open Space Planner.

A map of the streetscape is available here.

Impacted property owners have been contacted and given the opportunity to review the streetscape design and provide feedback.

This can be done by contacting Council’s Open Space Planner on 5153 9500 or email

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