Council's waste facilities and access roads are in areas which can be impacted by bushfire or subjected to flooding.
To keep our staff and community safe, in the event of extreme weather including, storms, bushfires, flooding or extreme heat over 38C, Council will suspend waste collections and transfer stations in the affected region.
These measures will be announced on Council’s Facebook page as soon as the decision has been made. There will also be clear signage placed on the entrance gates of the affected facility.
Council has an obligation to ensure safe working conditions for its staff. It is recognised that working over 38C for an extended period can be harmful to health.
Extreme heat conditions can also increase risk of bushfires igniting and storm activity. Storms can occur without warning, resulting in heavy rain, lighting strikes and strong wind gusts. Waste facilities may be impacted by storm events, requiring a response depending on the conditions.
While we work to provide ensure the waste and recycling services are consistent and reliable, we need to be flexible to ensure safety of our staff and community.
We apologise for the inconvenience this may cause to some residents.