Buchan and district comprises of the following localities: Buchan, Buchan South, Timbarra, W Tree, Gelantipy, Butchers Ridge, Gillingall, Murrindal, Suggan Buggan, Wulgulmerang, Wulgulmerang East, Wulgulmerang Westand Black Mountain.
After the devastating fire events of 2019-2020 the communities of the Buchan Gelantipy district have established a representative group of community members to voice their community’s needs in recovery. The committee is currently meeting fortnightly to advocate for individuals navigating their recovery journey as well as creating a community recovery plan which will inform government and other organisations where investment is best placed to meet community need. Visit their website https://buchandistrictsrenewal.com.au/ to find out more about the committee and the renewal progress in Buchan Gelantipy and districts.