media releases
Council offers zero fees to promote zero waste 
Date of Issue: 
August 11, 2021

East Gippsland Shire Council is backing better recycling practices and lightening the load on residents’ hip pockets by making it free to drop off recyclable items, polystyrene and e-waste at its 15 transfer stations and three landfills.   

Fees have been removed on items including paper, cardboard, glass bottles and jars, steel, hard plastic containers and polystyrene. 

Scrap metal, white goods and green waste also remain free, so by simply sorting your load you can save money and help to reduce waste to landfill.   


Electronic waste, or e-waste, is also free. If it has a plug, battery or cord it is e-waste. Batteries, phones, smoke detectors, lamps, printer cartridges and hand-held video games are e-waste, too. E-waste contains potentially hazardous materials, so it has been banned from landfills since 2019. Recycling e-waste instead allows precious resources to be recovered and reused.  

Fee free disposal of recyclable items and e-waste will also help reduce illegal dumping, making it even better for the environment. E-waste can be deposited at our waste facilities in Bairnsdale, Bruthen, Orbost, Omeo, Mallacoota and Lakes Entrance.

While there is a disposal cost for mattresses, this has been significantly reduced. Mattresses are recycled in Bairnsdale to recover both the metal and foam components for re-use.

Mayor Cr Mendy Urie said free recycling promotes recovery and reuse, cuts waste and helps residents and ratepayers cut disposal costs.

“Council is committed to finding ways to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill and bolster the circular economy,” Cr Urie said.


As a former member of the Committee of Management of the Social Enterprise, the Tip Shop, Cr Urie also encourages people to fix broken items to prolong their useful life and to offer good-quality goods to the Tip Shop for resale rather than taking them to landfill.


“These are both great ways to promote the circular economy,” Cr Urie said.


Council’s website has great information on what can be recycled, how to sort recycling, and the A-Z of Waste page ( explains which recycling program to use.   


Media Enquiries: Communications Team – (03) 5153 9500





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